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A/N this is a little different then my other stories. It's more about how Nat was pregnant as a teenager for Peter. This is based on a French song. Nat is 16. I am not judging any of the young moms out there, I completely understand why young girls would do it. Tony is the father, two years older then Nat and is in the picture which is the only major difference from the song. Feel free to translate the lyrics.

Nat's POV
When I wake up the next day I feel nauseous. I sit up and dash to the bathroom and throw up. I was staying at my boyfriends place Tony Stark, even if he was known to be a player he hasn't seen anyone since we got together. I feel a hand in my back rubbing circles on my back, I throw up again. I sat up and saw my boyfriend smiling at me. He hugs me.
"You good?" He asks concerned
"I think" I said giving a small smile. He brings me in to another hug. I stand up with the help of Tony and we make our way to the kitchen and he started making breakfast. Once he finished making our usual breakfast which was eggs and bacon with toast, I still felt nauseous but I was pretty sure it would pass. I help Tony with the dishes and go get ready for school, it was Monday. Once I was ready I made my way to the entrance of Tony's house. Tony came out of his room and opens the door for me. We make our way to his silver Audi R8. We blast music we get to our school with a few minutes to spare. We hurry and get our stuff and go to our lockers, Tony's locker was right beside mine surprisingly. The nausea had almost completely gone. Tony was still concerned about me.
"Are you sure your okay Nat?" He asks
"I'm great" I said smiling at him.
"Ok" he said right before kissing me, then the bell rang we pull apart and he was going to class with his friends Rhodes, Steve, Thor and Bruce. When I got to class I made my way to my seat beside my best friend Clint. We started with health today which wasn't fun. They didn't even separate the guys and the girls during health. I just toke out my binder and waited.
"So are you feeling ok" I heard Clint beside me.
"Just felt nauseous and threw up" I said.
"But are you ok"
"Yeah I am"
"You seem different"
"What do you mean"
"You just seem to have this glow about you" he said.
"I mean me and Tony had sex last night and I am happy" I said. Just as Clint was about to say something the teacher walked in.
"Welcome class today we are going to talk about the signs of pregnancy." Everyone let out a groan. Throughout the lesson I started getting nervous. I had most of the symptoms of pregnancy, all that I was missing was my period being late. It started tomorrow and even then I was always a few days late. I just ignored it.
~Time skip to Friday in three weeks~
My period has never been this late before. I started thinking about what my teacher had said. I was showing all the signs of pregnancy. I walked to the drug store down the street of the school. I grab a few tests and the cashier told me about the bathroom in the back. I use all of them and when the beep goes off on all of them I check. I smile and feel tears prick my eyes. I was pregnant. I was pregnant. I squeal. It was a short squeal when I realized my parents are gonna kill me for getting pregnant at the age of sixteen. I grab my purse and run out of the store. I wave at the cashier who waved back smiling. I rush home and when I get there I see my family there sitting as of waiting for me. They all looked at me in concern.
"Hey sweetie" said my mom "we've all gathered here because we're genuinely concerned about you. You've had the weird cravings for the past three weeks."
"We're all worried about you, snapping at us out of nowhere, then bursting out in tears" said my dad. They were just telling me things as if I was taking drugs or something. I mean I did have something to tell them.
"I do have something to tell you" I said
"What is it?" Asked my mom
"I-I'm three weeks pregnant." I says nervously. The look of concerned that were in their eyes turned into one of anger.
"Pregnant at 16 Natalia" my mom only used my birth name when she was mad, she knew I preferred Natasha or Nat. "I was expecting drugs or something not being pregnant!!" She yelled at me, I wasn't expecting them to jump in joy, but at least respect me. "At least you're telling me that your aborting it"
"No! I'm not, I'm keeping my child!" I yell at them. They all get up and start calling me names.
"Well if your gonna keep it then get the hell out of this house!!" My dad yells. I was taking aback.
"Well if you really feel that way, then I'll leave." I said timidly. I left the room and packed my stuff. Only the essentials, like a few change of clothes, a tooth brush and hair brush. My school stuff then I looked back at my family one last time and slammed the door behind me. I started walking away from the place I always thought that I was loved. Thank god it was the first weekend of summer. I just hope that Tony would be happy. I dialed his number and he picked up on the third ring, I was crying from hormones and my family.
"Hey Baby what's up" I started bursting in tears.

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