Family BBQ

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A/N Peter is 13 in this one shot. Nat is his Bio mom and Tony is his bio dad. Clint and Scott are bio brothers of Nat. Fury is Nat's foster dad since she was 4. Wanda and Pietro are the bio older siblings of Pete and there in the 12th grade.

Peter's POV
I finish 7th grade in a week. I couldn't wait for 8th grade. Tomorrow was also the school's family barbecue. And I needed to bring my family. All of them. I wasn't embarrassed of them, it's just their all avengers except for Gramps who is the director of shield, then the whole team would show up because their family to including my big sister and brother. Which are either avengers or shield agents. Which meant I would get a lot of fake friends. I did have one friend named Ned who has been my friend since pre-K. It was my first day and I was dropped off by my parents who had parked on the corner of the street. He was the first person to even talk to me. We became friends and we've been inseparable ever since. When the final bell rang me and Ned went to get ready. On our way outside we talked about legos and star wars. Me and Ned were just chilling at the bus stop until I heard the all to familiar yell.
"Well if it isn't Penis Parker" Eugene 'Flash' Thompson said I didn't take any offence I just continued to talk to Ned, my ride was running late. "I'm talking to you Parker" that was my last name that I had enrolled under. I just ignored him until he pushed me down and I scraped my knees, I was met with the stinging sensation and he just started beating me, the buses were all gone and their were no teachers left. Then I looked back at Flash and he had a look of pure terror. Then I heard someone clear their throat.

Natasha's POV
I was sitting on the couch reading until I realized what time it was, I stood up and went to get ready, Happy had driven him to school this morning so I was still in my Pjs.
"Friday where's Tony" I asked the AI
"He is in his lab"
"Thank you Friday" and make my way to my husbands lab, I enter the override code and it opens, I lean against the door frame and just look at him. He was fixing one of his cars, with such a concentrated look. He was covered in grease and oil. I just shake my head and laugh. It seemed to have startled him as he had jump and looked in my direction. The minute he seemed to have noticed me he sighs and smiles at me. "Good afternoon Tony" I say removing myself from the door frame and make my way to him, I bring him in a hug.
"Well good afternoon beautiful" he says and I just smile. We pull apart from the hug.
"I'm gonna go pick up Peter. You wanna come?" I ask him and he nods
"Just give me a minute to wash off" he says
"Just hurry up" I tell him and he takes off to our shared bedroom. I make my way to the living room and went on my phone, when Tony finally got out of our bedroom I stand up and we make our way to the car. I make my way to the drivers side, Tony looks at me. "I'm driving" I state and Tony just shakes his head.
"I'm driving" he states
"It's my car" I say
"Correction it's our car" he says, I put my hands on my hopes and give him the look. He looks at me and gives me the keys. I hear him mumble something about how it wasn't fair and that I was mean. "What was that" I say
"Nothing darling, I just said that I love you"he said then entering the passenger side.
"That's what I thought" I say getting in and starting the car. When we left my phone rang through the Bluetooth of the car. I accepted it realizing it was from my dad. "Hey dad"
"Hey sweetie"
"What's up"
"Just called to say that I was on my way over"
"Great we're just picking up Peter, Wanda and Pietro should just be getting off the bus when you get there"
"Great. See you soon"
"Wait are Scott and Clint coming too"
"Yes they are with their families"
"Okay I think Peter would like to see you guys again. Bye"
"Bye Nat" and he hung up, I then received a text from Ned's mom asking if I can pick up Ned, I say yes and continue driving. Then we arrived at Peter's school and then we realized that he was being teased, he doesn't seem to mind then I see the kid push Peter down and start hitting him, their we're no buses or teachers anywhere.. I immediately get out of the car followed by Tony and we make our way to where they were. I arrived behind him and clear my throat the kid looked up and he had a look of pure terror on his face.
"Pardon me, but what did you think you were doing beating our son" I said extremely pissed off right now.
"What d-do you mean your son. He's Peter Parker not the Romanoff-Stark kid."
"Are you calling me a liar. I am his biological mother and Tony is his Biological father. Even if he isn't our child what gives you the right to beat and bully other kids! Hmm!" I say raising my voice. I felt Tony put his hand on my arm.
"Don't do it" he whispered in my ear "let's just get Peter out of here" I take a deep breath and act calm. Tony goes down to Peter's level and picks him up. We get to the car until I realized that Ned still needed a ride.
"Ned your coming with us" I say when I look at him he nods fanboying over me and Tony. I look back toward the kid and he's still there completely frozen, I give him my most evil glare and he takes off running. I turn back around and see Tony in the drivers seat, I shake my head and sit in the passenger side. When I hear Peter start to stir I turn around to look at him.
"W-What happened?" He said.
"You were being beaten by flash and possibly to death if Black Widow and Ironman didn't show up" I hear Ned say
"What do you mean my parents showed up, Happy Normally pucks me up" he says.
"Love you to Pete" I hear Tony say and Peter freezes.
"D-Dad" Peter says
"I'm here too" I say
"M-mom" he says
"I am so sorry I didn't tell you guys. It was normally just him teasing me with his words, today was the first day he went physical."
"Peter" I try to make him snap out of it
"I know I should've told you and I-I completely understand if I'm grounded."
"Peter" Tony tries
"And I completely understand if you want to take away my phone and laptop. I really should've told you. I re-"
"Peter!" Me and Tony say at the same time. And he stops mind sentence.
"We aren't mad or disappointed." I say calmer
"Y-you aren't" he said
"No why would we be" said Tony
"It's not like you ask to get hit or beaten" I said
"True" said Peter
"Anyways, thank you so much mister and misses Stark." Said Ned before getting out of the car.
"Anytime Ned" I said
"Bye Ned" Peter said and we took off.
"By the way Gramps, Uncle Clint, Aunt Laura, Uncle Scott, Aunt Hope and the kids on on there way" said Tony and Peter Immediately Smiled.
"They are"
"Yup" I say
"I also have something to tell you guys"
"Go ahead Underoos" said Tony
"Well tomorrow I have the school Barbecue and I was wondering if you guys would come"
"Of course and we can bring the others aswell" I said
"Yay" Peter said sounding a little like a 4 year old. When we get to the Cabin we get out and see that three other cars in the driveway. I look towards Peter who had fallen asleep and gently nudge his knee, he woke up slowly.
"We're here" I whisper to him and he immediately is wide awake. We park the car and Peter takes his stuff and bursts through the door. Me and Tony hang back for a little and we make our way there, when we walk in I see that my father had Peter in a hug.
"Your getting so big, stop it" says my dad and Peter giggles.
"Sorry Gramps I cant help it" he said
"Peettteeeeerrrr!" I hear four kids yell and Peter brings them all into a hug.
"Hey guys" he said and he's immediately pulled out of the Living room. Then I see my two brothers and sister-in-laws.
"Hi" I said then giving them all a hug. Then they all give Tony a hug. When Tony gets to my dad and gives him a nod and puts his hand out
"Fury" he said obviously nervous. My dad accepts his hand bits instead of shaking it he brought him into a hug.
"How many times do I haft to tell to just call me nick, Tony. You're part of the family" and I hear Tony chuckle.
"Right sorry Nick" they pull apart and my dads smiling
"That's better Tony. Now I heard the games on soon" and he nods my brothers follow as they make their way to the bro cave and Tony would put it. It was really just the spare living room. I look towards Hope and Laura.
"Girls night?" I ask and they smiled "let me just go say hi to my other two children" I say and make my way towards Wanda's room.
"Ask Wanda if she wants to partake" I hear Laura say as I was walking. When I get to Wanda's room I knock on the door and here a faint come in. I open the door and see Wanda doing her homework with one of her earbuds in, humming to the song sit still look pretty. "Hey Wands" Wanda looks up and smiles while getting out of bed to come give me a hug after pulling out her earbud.
"Mom!" She said like she hasn't seen me in forever.
"Hey sweetie" I say. And we pull apart. "Did you say hi to your Aunts and Uncles.
"Yes I did."
"Well Laura wants to know if you would like to have a girls nights with us"
"I would love that let me just finish my homework and I'll be right out"
"Okay, I need to go say hi to your brother. Have any idea where he might be"
"In his room trying to do his homework, he is having a hard time"
"What's the subject"
"That's more up Your Dad or Peter's ally, but I'll see what I can do" I say.
"Great!" Says Wanda before going to finish her homework, with more energy. She was always mommy's girl ever since she was little. Pietro was a daddy's boy and Peter was both. I make my way to Pietro's room and see him trying to figure out his homework.
"Hey champ!" I say and he looks up to me and gives me a smile.
"Hi mom. I need help. I have a test tomorrow and I don't understand any of it."
"I'll try but I was never good in Chemistry." I say and sit beside him. I look at his page and helped him with the best of my capabilities. Once we finished his homework I stood up and made my way to the door. "I would double check those with Dad when you can, he's in the second living room."
"Can you get him please?" He asks
"Sure, I'll do that right now" I close the door behind me. "Friday tell Tony that Pietro needs help with his Chemistry homework"
"Right away Nat"
"Thank you" I make my way to the main Living room where Laura, Hope and Wanda were waiting for me. "Pietro needed help with his Chemistry homework" and they all nodded and we made our way to the mall, not before I told Friday to let the boys know that we were leaving.

~Time Skip to the next day after school (it's getting long)~

Peter's POV
In a few hours the Barbecue started and I couldn't wait. Even though I was probably going to get exposed for being Black Widow and Ironman's son, I didn't really care. So here I was helping to set up the barbecue and people started showing up. It was half way through the barbecue and no one from my family showed up, I started feeling upset. They promised they'd be here. Maybe something cane up. Then my phone went off it was my dad, I answered expecting him to say that he was sorry and that he couldn't come.
"Look up" he says and I do, then I see the Quinn jet land. Everyone seems to freeze in place. I just start running just as the door opens. I see everyone in their avenger suit and I smile. I go and greet them. Everyone was there. Even the GOTG, Aunt Carole, and evening Loki was there. As everyone followed me out of the jet, everyone surrounds us. I felt overwhelmed, mom seemed to have caught that because she soon yelled at everyone to back off. Of course everyone listened, no one wants to deal with an angry Black Widow. I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back. Once everyone backed away I lead my family to the table that had food everywhere. They grabbed their food and we ate in the jet. The rest of the Barbecue was spent with students and their family touring the jet and asking questions.

A/N I know there wasn't really any Barbecue mentions in this chapter, it was just supposed to be more family then anything else.

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