Chapter 2: The hybrid

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Scarlet let out a deep breath she got up from her spot on the couch and went to make breakfast only to find Iris in the kitchen putting eggs on two separate plates ."Good morning"she said. Iris jumped nearly dropping the plates she waved hi to Scarlet then she set the plates on the table.The two ate breakfast in silence then Iris started moving her hands she was using sign language again it took a bit longer for Scarlet to understand "You want to go by food and some clothes?"She asked Iris nodded "great let's go "Scarlet replied she was about to walk out when Iris grabbed her wrist and turned her around "what is it?"Scarlet asked her.Iris pointed at herself then at Scarlet she gestured towards the clothes they were wearing which was pajamas "oh right,we should change"Scarlet said.They went to Scarlet's room Scarlet picked out a simple brown shirt and jeans as soon as she was done she waited outside.Iris put on blue jeans a purple shirt and Scarlet's jacket, the jacket was a bit big the sleeves covered her hands she went outside.Scarlet looked at Iris then she spoke "well let's go"she said trying to act casual.Iris nodded they went inside Scarlet's car Iris climbed onto the passenger seat and buckled herself in.Scarlet put on her seatbelt "well brace yourself, you're in for a ride "Scarlet said she chuckled a bit at her own joke.Iris smiled they went to the store and bought some clothes for Iris and some food as well as a small cake to eat for dessert after they payed the clerk they left.Scarlet noticed someone out of the corner of her eyes a small human child, a female .The child was begging for food she wore nothing but rags Iris let out a sad sigh Scarlet took off her jacket and gave it to the child she zipped the jacket up the child's eyes were dull and lifeless but when Scarlet had done that small simple act of kindness her eyes shined.Scarlet was on her knees looking at the child " what's your name?"she asked. The child just stared at her she pulled Scarlet into a hug and started crying tears of joy "Nora"the child whispered " my name is Nora" she gripped Scarlet's jacket tightly. Scarlet hugged Nora back " Nora "she said Nora let Scarlet go and looked at her "yes?" she asked " My name is Scarlet" Scarlet said "Are you hungry? Here " she handed Nora some chicken and gave her some water.A while later,  Nora waved goodbye to Scarlet Scarlet waved bye back "We will see you tomorrow " Scarlet said Iris smiled at Nora . Nora believed they would come back because ever since she was abandoned by her family she had to fend for herself but she wa strong there was bad days and good days she hoped that their would be more good days then bad.With that Nora smiled to herself then she went to the park and she fell asleep inside the slide.Scarlet woke up to find someone spooning her she realized it was Iris the thing that surprised her was that she was the small spoon.Scarlet got up and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast.Iris woke up minutes later to realize the warmth she had struggled to keep close to her was gone she rubbed her eyes and got out of bed she headed to the kitchen and saw Scarlet making breakfast.Scarlet looked relaxed she was in her domain that was inspired by her love of cooking she had breakfast made and turned around she nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt someone poke her back "You really do get scared easily"a voice said.Scarlet turned around she let out a gasp of surprise when she realized who it was.

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