The Twenty Years War: Part Two

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          Walking alongside one river of Balmario, Indicius and twenty of his knights walked to an unexpected guest which they had been hearing for some time now. Water splashed on the shores of the river as they walked along of it's edge, and their armor shined brightly in the sunlight of a cool Autumn's day. The wind was blowing hard on them, yet this was to be expected on grassland. No knight spoke as they walked alongside the river, for none of them knew what was to come out of it. As each person crossed the river on what shallow points they could find, more and more noise rang out from the forest that ran alongside the open grassland. When all of the warriors had crossed the river, they lined up side by side in two rows. One hundred Ozark warriors then ran out of the trees, and they realized what had caused the oncoming noise. When the oncoming warriors were within one hundred meters of the knights, they all stopped in their tracks and made noises at the knights. Loud hisses and roars were made from these warriors, for it was a common intimidation tactic. The Ozark warriors did not line up in an attacking position themselves, but rather stopped and stared to the knights. The warriors were also grunting and breathing heavily, so heavily in fact that it could be heard up to one hundred meters away from them. After some time of simply staring at one another, Indicius spoke to the Ozark warriors who had just walked onto his land.

          "My outpost soldiers spotted you entering our trees." he said to the warriors. "What are you doing on our land? Speak now." Indicius paused to allow them to answer, but they still did not respond to him. Instead, they continued their huffing and roaring to the knights. He spoke to them once again, this time in a louder voice. "What are you doing on our land? Who is your master?" Suddenly, the Ozark warriors let out laughs, and looked at one another. Out of nowhere, a thick black smoke appeared on the open field, and a half human warrior appeared in the middle between the knights and Ozark warriors.

          "They serve me." said the dark distorted voice. "I am Dimiscus, creation of Ragnar the great. These men are my warriors, and we have came to speak with you." Dimiscus then drew his sword, and the Ozark warriors behind him let out cheers for their master.

          "Well then tell me, why do you walk upon to our land?" asked Indicius to this mysterious dark figure. "We have no business with Ragnar the treacherous, nor will we ever. He has not been seen on this Earth in twenty years, and we do not wish to see him return." 

          "Ragnar the great wishes for simple things, and we fulfill his wishes." His rotten face then smirked, and showed his decaying yellow teeth. The cuts and marks on his face stretched out as he spoke to the knights. "We desire for that unity cube you possess, and we will stop at nothing to have it." With that, the Ozark warriors behind him continued to cheer at whatever he said to Indicius. He continued speaking. "I have a proposition for you knights however." his smirk grew wider and wider as he spoke. "Give us the Cube of Power, and we will not make this river run red with your blood in this upcoming month."

          "The Cube of Power may only be used by the king of Belmario, no one else." Indicius said to him. "A force of darkness shall never use its powers, for they would attempt to destroy our world. I am no fool, and I know what powers this cube possesses." 

          "The forces of darkness grow in strength and number each day, and we will soon kill all mortal lives on this earth." he stopped smirking as he continued speaking in a more monotone voice. "You mortals think you won when Ragnar left earth and vanished into another world, yet the truth of the situation is that you have no idea of what we have become. In these twenty years our numbers have been growing immensely, and we have armies which are ready for battle." his smirk returned as he spoke this final sentence. "War will come to your land if you do not give us what we want, and the three surviving kingdoms of Earth will fall to ashes and dust. War will be upon you men."

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