All Good Things have a Beginning

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Nothing good ever happened on rainy days but then again, sunny days were just as bad. The coffee shop that they all sat in was packed. The sounds of coffee makers and crying children and the clink of cutlery on plates filled it as everyone enjoyed their morning brunch.

Alda sat with the window behind her, on her left was Bruno, on her right was Antony and in front of her was Jesse. It was like a real family. They laughed and talked about all sorts of things from Antony's bad jokes to Jesse's new business.

"I'm thinking of starting up my dad's old tattoo parlour." Jesse said looking up at Alda and Antony. They looked at each other then smiled back at her.

"Well whatever you need we'll help you set it up, as long as you put a flyer in there to promote the comic bookstore." Antony replied and Jesse laughed. Bruno made car noises as he drove a toy car across the table. Antony's eyes brightened. "I have something for each of you." He grabbed the large satchel he had bought and placed it on the table.

"Oh Antony, you didn't." Alda said, smiling. He nodded and pulled a remote car out and Bruno's eyes widened.

"This is for you," He handed the toy to Bruno and he examined it like it was the last time he would see anything. He pulled a comic, one of Jesse's, the published version. "This is for you; it was the first version bought. I wanted you to know that it is now a product sold at the comic bookstore." Jesse's face lit up with joy and excitement as she took the book and looked through it. He then pulled out a third gift, a jewellery box. He slid it across the table to her and she looked at it then back at him. Bruno and Jesse had stopped as well and were looking at the box, then Antony and then Alda.

"Open it." He said. Alda picked it up hesitantly and opened it. Inside lay a small heart shaped pendant that had engraved: My life would not be complete without you.

She looked up at him and smiled. He had told her to wear her gold chain and so she had. She slipped off the gold chain and put the pendant on she then asked Antony to clip it up at the back, he did and then he kissed her on the cheek.

"Yuck." Said Bruno screwing his nose up. Jesse laughed at his reaction and then the waiter came out and took their orders.

The waiter then arrives with their meals and drinks. They sit there for most of the morning chatting and laughing then for the rest of the day they look after of the comic bookstore. They watched as more and more people bought Jesse's book. She looked so happy.

At the end of the day Antony closed up the comic bookstore and watched as Jesse placed back the discarded comics on the shelves.

Antony drove them all to Alda's place then said goodbye at the door as she fiddled for her keys. When she unlocked the door they all walked and she told Jesse and Bruno to go to bed as she headed off to her study. That whole night Alda sat at her desk typing away.

At around twelve am she heard the sounds of giggling and shushing. She got up and slowly crept to Jesse and Bruno's room. She reached the door and peeked in to see Jesse with a torch shining on her face.

"And the tickle monster prays on small children with names starting with B." She continued her story then she got up off of her bed and started tickling him and he let out a laugh and then Jesse held a hand over his mouth to silence him.

Alda then leaned up against the wall next to the door, closed her eyes and then smiled.

Finally her family was starting to look like a family, not just two people and some friends. Are real family.

She went back to her keyboard and that's what she wrote about. She wrote about her family. She wrote about the comic bookstore. She wrote about her husband. She wrote about the Comic Book Club. She wrote about her family.

Once she was done she searched for publishers nearby and editors. She found both and decided to see them with this new book tomorrow.

That's just what she did.

She sat in the office, it was very plain with a black desk and a grey couch. In front of the couch was a small coffee table and on that coffee table was a small house plant. Alda stared out the window that showed the entire city. Interrupting her thoughts, a man in a sharp suit and glasses walked in with an older man.

The older man wore a brown suit with a light blue tie and had grey hair and wore glasses the same as the young man. The young man sat on the desk while the old man walked over to the window.

"Alda, it's so good to finally meet you." The young man says as he reaches his hand forward and she gladly shakes it. "My name is Christopher and this your new editor Murphy." He gestured to the old man standing by the window. "Now it is my understanding that you are currently writing a book that you wish to be published, am I correct?"

"Yes. I was up all last night writing and I wanted it published. That's why I am here." Alda said. Murphy chuckled and turned to face her.

"You're going to need a publisher first." Murphy said. She nodded.

"May I see the book?" Asked Christopher. Alda pulled the printed book out of her bag and handed it to him. He flicked through the pages, then looked up at her. "Can I give you a call once we have finished reading these?"

"Of course." She got up to leave and put her hand on the handle.

"Wait, what is your author name?"

"Am I able to think on it?"

"Of course."

"Thank you for your time."

"Thank you for your book." Smiled Christopher and she left the room and headed home.

And life continues on.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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