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"There is no way in hell that I'm staying in this shit hole another year!"

The principal sighed. "Mr Greyson, please calm-"

"Do you have any idea how hard I worked this year?" Gavin cut her off. "It's not my fault I'm stupid!"

In all honesty, he really hadn't put much effort during the year. He put all his focus on sports since he needed a scolarship if he wanted to go to college—and there was no chance of getting one from his less than stellar academic skills, so he didn't bother.

Well... that was a bit of an understatement.

But it didn't matter anyway because the only person colleges were interested in was Owen. The last guy on God's green earth to need financial aid. He'd would be lying if he said he wasn't subconciously pissed at the guy. It wasn't Owen's fault he was so great. Yet it made Gavin angry how another rich white guy had a brighter future than he did, when beyond their skin color and financial situations, they were no better than the other.

"Gavin," she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Your highest grade was a twenty-four percent, and that was in gym. You know it's out of my control."

"Can't I take one of those GED things?" he pleaded in a sad tone to try and guilt trip her. "I promise I can take whatever stupid tests the state wants. Just please don't make me do this another year. All my friends are graduating without me."

She looked hesitant. Her and Gavin knew each other relatively well since he was always causing trouble. Not the kind of trouble where he beat up other kids and stole their lunch money. His trouble was always revolved around distracting the class, pranking teachers, and that one time in second grade where he cut off Tara's ponytail during art class. That one was revolutionary. But Tara (another white rich bitch) didn't find it so funny. He got suspended for a week.

This also meant that the principal knew Gavin wasn't intelligent enough to pass the GED, but it wasn't like she was able to tell him no. "Alright," she begrudgingly complied. "You can give it a go I suppose."

"Yes!" Gavin cheered, hopping out of his seat. "Thank you so much! I won't let you down!"

She watched him happily prance through the door, shaking her head. He was most definitely going to let her down. No doubt about it.

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