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The movie ended but neither of them wanted to move. Someway through it, they somehow ended up moving so that Luke was settled between Gavin's legs. His chest was against the younger boy's back with his arms secured around his waist. The embrace felt so fulfilling after craving each other for so long. It was bliss.

Both of them were sure their feelings were reciprocated by now and their actions got a little bolder. Luke was still a blushing, stuttering pile of mush of course, but he didn't shy away from it this time.

Gavin rested his chin on the blonde's shoulder as he squeezed him a little tighter. Luke gasped and tensed up but hesitantly relaxed. It was still a bit awkward because neither of them had said a thing. The communication was silent, spoken through touch instead.

It was the only way they could, considering that neither of them was near ready to have a real conversation yet.

Gavin tilted his face down, slowly inhaling. His skin carried a faint scent of roses from his body wash. The smell was addicting.

Luke tensed again but remained stiff as Gavin's breath hit his skin. He squirmed a little but Gavin didn't seem to notice, continuing as if it wasn't affecting Luke at all.

But it was.

"G-Gavin," he choked, trembling a little. "C-can you um, uh," he stopped, forgetting what words are.

"What is it?" Gavin mumbled. His face was still buried in the crook of his neck while his hands rested close to Luke's lower stomach and fuck he was hard.

Luke's eyes widened. He would die if Gavin noticed the slight tent in his pants. He wanted to tell him to stop but he still wanted to cuddle and Gavin would ask why he wanted to change positions. Or even worse, notice his predicament.

"I-I uhn-" he gasped, forcing himself to wiggle away from Gavin. Which resulted in his clumsy self accidentally tumbling onto the floor.

"Shit, are you okay?" Gavin asked, worriedly rising to help Luke up. He offered out a hand but the younger's hands were both preoccupied with covering his problem. "Luke?"

"Um," his voice cracked as he stared up at Gavin, mortified with himself. "I n-need to use the bathroom," he lied.

"It's right over there," Gavin said, confused but pointing toward the bathroom door. "Are you okay? Did I... did I do something wrong?"

"No!" he answered too quickly, blushing so hard he felt lightheaded. "I just, I-I um- you uh-"

Gavin's eyebrows were scrunched together but relaxed when his gaze traveled toward Luke's hands that were trying to conceal his erection. His worry quickly faded away as he doubled over from laughter.

"Stop laughing," Luke whined, tilting his head down in shame. "It's not my fault! It's yours!"

Gavin tried to calm down but he couldn't, crashing into the floor next to Luke as he laughed so hard his lungs hurt. "I'm sorry, I can't help it," he apologized, but his huge grin made Luke doubt his honesty.

"I hate you," he grumbled, awkwardly standing up while trying to keep his shirt over his dick as he waddled into the bathroom.

Gavin eventually regained control of his lungs and laid on the floor as he waited for Luke. About five minutes passed and his mind started to wander. The pit of his stomach stirred as he considered if Luke was solving his problem. He doubted it since the boy was so shy, but the possibility damn near gave him his own erection.

In reality, Luke was gripping the sink as his mind reeled for the grossest things possible that would make it go away. He hadn't ever touched himself before and now was not the time to start. It was practically unheard of for a teenage boy to never masturbate, but he was focused on other things. He wasn't interested in any of that sort of stuff.

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