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Gavin slugged out of his fourth period class, leaving before another teacher crying after finding out she had him in her class for another year. He was already exhausted and regretted spending his year slacking off. All his other friends were in college, probably partying and having the time of their lives as he was on his way to eat shitty cafeteria food.

He pushed open the door with a grunt as he shoved his way through some underclassmen. He ignored all the complaints and swears thrown at him, carelessly knocking everyone out of his path. He was too hungry to give a shit.

Then, after he got his food, that was when he realized he had no friends to sit with.

Gavin was so used to sitting at the popular table with the other football players and pretty cheerleaders. His eyes longingly stared at the spot him and Owen claimed the previous year. It was now replaced with last school year's juniors who thought they were the shit. He silently hated them.

He went to sit alone in the corner, he actually didn't mind the thought of being on his own. He had no desire to socialize or make new friends. If it wasn't the same as before, he didn't want any part of it.

But before he sat down he noticed familiar blonde locks. His long strides stopped as he watched Luke scribbling in his notebook beside some other kids he paid no mind to.

Before he could refrain, he was already heading over. He knew it was a bad idea but it was so hard to resist the way Luke nibbled on the tip of his eraser, his brows scrunched together in deep thought as he read each question.

"It's the first day and you already have homework?" Gavin asked, tossing his backpack onto the floor as he sat down next to Luke.

All the other kids at the table choked on their food when Gavin approached their table, thinking he was going to beat them up or something. They were all sophomores who watched the tall, intimidating looking guy come over. And they were even more surprised when Luke didn't seem scared by his presence.

"Oh um, it's not homework. My teacher let me borrow one of her textbooks early so I could get a head start," he told him shyly.

Gavin scooted a little closer and peered over Luke's shoulder to see what work he was doing. "Looks like gibberish to me."

"It's only chemistry," he fiddled with his hands, avoiding Gavin's gaze that made him feel dizzy.

"That makes sense. I dropped out of that class after the first week," he snickered.

Luke giggled. Usually he found it unattractive when people weren't devoted to their schoolwork, but his heart made an exception for Gavin. He found it endearing with him.

"Uh, who are you?" one of Luke's friends questioned awkwardly, budding into their conversation.

"Gavin," he answered, uninterested. He only wanted to talk to Luke but couldn't be rude since they were obviously friends of some sort.

"Are you guys friends?" she asked with wide eyes.

Luke kicked her under the table, a silent plea to shut up. "Avery, stop it," he hissed.

Gavin laughed at his reaction. "You could say that."

"Are you a senior?" another one, Maeve, quizzed him, equally as fascinated.

"You guys are so lame. Leave him alone," Luke groaned.

Gavin turned to see the whole table's eyes on him. There were a total of four nerds that were dumbfounded by the senior sitting with them.

"When did you become friends with a senior?" Avery loudly whispered to Luke.

He cringed, blushing furiously. "He's friends with Owen, it's nothing."

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