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Gavin waltzed into gym class, feeling excited for the first time that day. Coach Matthews blinked at him a few times when he saw him before letting out a knowing sigh.

"Did you miss me, Coach?" he grinned widely.

"Back so soon?" he laughed.

"Not by choice," he sheepishly answered. "My grades sucked and I didn't pass the GED."

All the students piled into the gymnasium, lining up along the bleachers and basketball court. Gavin felt a twinge of pain when he saw a group of guys huddling in the corner him and his friends claimed the previous year. The nostalgia he kept going through was exhausting and he inwardly berated himself for not putting more effort into his grades.

Coach shook his head as he rolled his eyes. "As good as it is to see you again, let's hope this is the last year I do, Greyson."

"Aw, don't pretend I'm not your favorite football player! Wilson isn't here so you don't have to lie and pretend it's him," he snickered.

Coach raised his brows at Gavin. "Bold of you to assume either of you were my favorite."

"Well I'll change your mind this year! Now that Owen's gone I can be captain, right?" he asked giddily. "I'll be better than any of the other guys since they're all stupid newbies."

Coach gave him a weird look that confused Gavin. "You do know that I can't let you on the team this year, don't you?"

Gavin's heart fell through his stomach. "What?" he choked out. "What do you mean I can't be on the team?!"

"It's not personal, kid," Coach reached how to give his shoulder a squeeze. "School rules. If your grades are that bad then you can't be on the team, never mind captain."

"What if I get my grades up?" Gavin didn't skip a beat.

"Greyson," Coach pinched the bridge of his own nose as he chose his words carefully. "If you couldn't keep up with both last year, then what makes you think you can now? You need to focus on your academics so that you can get out of here and do something meaningful."

"This time it's different!" Gavin defended, "I wasn't trying back then, I am now! Just give me a chance to prove myself and I'll show you that!"

Coach bit the inside of his cheek so hard it bled. The metallic taste filled his mouth but the bitter taste didn't phase him. He was too focused on how to proceed without discouraging Gavin. He doubted the boy could pass high school alone- adding football on top of it would just be humorous. But the sincere look in the jock's eyes made his gut wrench with guilt.

"Please," Gavin pleaded desperately, "I can do it, I know I can! Just let me prove it to you!"

Gavin's distressed expression and irises full of hope had Coach's resolve cracking. "Look," he sighed. "The season doesn't start until the second quarter anyway, so if you can maintain A's and B's then I'll consider it."

Gavin nodded eagerly. "I won't let you down," he promised. "Thanks, Coach," he said. He really meant it too.

"Sure thing, kid." Coach offered a strained smile, watching as Gavin jogged over to the basketball court with the rest of the students.

Luke nervously crept down the hallway, holding Gavin's backpack in one hand with his hall pass that he got from his teacher in the other. He was jittery, scared to approach the boy but also jumped at the chance to see him again.

Pushing open the gym doors, he flinched at how loud it was. Kids were running around the court, bouncing basketballs around while socializing with their friends. It gave him anxiety so he decided to get in and out as fast as he could.

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