Chapter 13

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The next morning Harry reorganised his list of people he would tell he was still alive. He knew he had to tell the world one day but there were a few who he felt obliged he had to tell them in person. Some because they were really important and others because, even if they were equally important to him, he was afraid of how they would react if he didn't tell them in person, like Molly Weasley and Minerva McGonagall. 

With Hermione on their side, they planned everything to the letter. As it turned out, Draco was as big of a bookworm as her, if not more so. They spend hours together in the library which made Harry a bit jealous, he also wanted to spend time with them, just not in a library. 

Every Monday evening was Weasley's mandatory family dinner where Hermione, Neville and Luna were also obliged to come. Since the article about Ron and Ginny, Molly was very overprotective over her children, especially Harry. She had interrogated all her other children herself to find out if any others also only thought of Harry as a bank account. If she would have found any more of her children that thought so she would have delivered them to the MOM herself. Thankfully all saw Harry as their little brother and were also overprotective of him.

This Monday would be the first family dinner without Ginny and Ron. Since Neville and Luna were also going to be there Harry planned on telling all of them together. He didn't think he could go through another breakdown again. Telling everyone at the same time would mean only one breakdown for all of them. Hermione had asked Molly if she could bring two friends with her. Not wanting to see Ron and Ginny's places empty  Molly accepted immediately.

Come Monday evening Harry was dressed is his best everyday robes, he wanted to look his best without being overdressed. This time both him and Draco were nervous. Harry because he was afraid they would reject him after what he had done and he didn't want to lose his chosen family. Draco was nervous because technically he was going to meet his boyfriend's parents for the first time, a family who had always been at the opposite side of the war, even if he was never given a choice. They apparated to the edge of the Burrow and started walking up the hill, every step felt heavier than the previous one. Harry hadn't changed into Loic this time because he knew he would not be able to keep it up long anyway. The twins had arrived earlier that evening and had taken everyone's wands to replace them with fake ones for their own safety.

Arriving at the door the two men took a deep breath before knocking. Inside they could hear Molly's footsteps getting closer, Harry didn't know if his heart was beating really fast or not at all. When Molly saw who was at the door she reached for her wand only to find a chocolate version of it. Keeping up the appearance she still held it in front of Harry and Draco. "Who are you and what kind of sick joke do you think you are playing? 

Harry expecting it all stayed very calm and said something only he could know, "Every year since my second year of Hogwarts you would send me a bar of white chocolate, hidden in the sweater you knitted for me because you were the only one who knew about my obsession with white chocolate, not even Ron or Hermione know of it." 

Molly let her wand drop, started to cry and took Harry into a bone-crushing loving hug as only she could give. "Oh my baby, my baby has come home, my poor baby." she kept repeating. Her crying attracted the attention of the rest of the family who all pulled out their wands the moment they saw Harry and Draco. After proving it was really him they all joined in the group hug. Draco felt a little bit left out until he felt a hand also pull him in. Now he really understood the meaning of family warmth. He had given warm hugs to his mother before but this was a whole different level. When everybody had calmed down they sat around the big table and started to eat the meal Molly had prepared. Like always Molly put extra food on Harry's plate proclaiming he was far too skinny. 

When she started to do the same to Draco Harry couldn't hold his laughter in at the face he made. During the meal Harry talked about his journey, the reason behind it and why he came back. He had told them truthfully that if it wasn't for Draco he would have not come back this early, maybe not at all. He also told them that now that he was back with his family he didn't know how he could have left in the first place. 

When at first some had first looked at Draco as if he didn't belong here all were now very grateful for bringing their lost brother and son back. Draco was used to the weary eyes but the warm thank you' s and the bone-crushing hugs were new to him and made him a little uncomfortable. At the end of the night, Harry had to promise to come back at least twice a week to make up for the time they had lost. 

A/N I'm sorry the updates are so slow, University has taken a lot of my time in :( 

I hope you liked the chapter. Don't forget to like and comment :D 

See you next time my lovely readers <3 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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