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Poppy was glued to me.

Not literally but I was sure if she could, she would have been.

I had no fucking idea why, or what had brought it on but for some unknown reason I wasn't really complaining.

As much as I hated to admit it, I rather enjoyed her company.

I almost rolled my eyes at myself when I realised that I maybe didn't dislike her as much as I thought I did. I mean not that I actually disliked her at all, I just didn't know how to handle her and she wasn't what I had expected at all.

Oliver fucking Hamwell however, was exactly as Liam had described him and I wouldn't mind taking him on a boxing match.

That was an easy win, easy knockout too.

I glanced at Poppy who was sat on the end of the sofa, admittedly she was as far away from me as possible but I was surprised she was still on the same sofa. Her eyes trained on the TV screen in front of us so I gave her the once over.

She looked better than she did this morning but she still looked a bit shit.

The funny thing was, I found myself almost worried about her. She was a big girl and she could look after herself, there was just something stirring in the pit of my stomach that made me want to make sure she was okay.

It was like the same stupid fucking thing inside me that made me kiss her the other week.

At least the first time made sense, I was saving her fucking life! No one wants to look at people kissing but I was fucked if I knew why I did it again.

She never even brought it up, didn't even ask me what the fuck was wrong with me. Not like I would have been able to give an answer because I certainly didn't know. I just knew I wanted to kiss her.

Still do, to be honest.

"There you are, you've been hiding from me."

I watched as Poppy froze, her chest completely stopped moving and I realised she wasn't breathing as Hamwell strolled into the room and I caught her quick glance at me. She'd been doing that a lot today as well.

Don't know why.

"No I'm not." Poppy said quietly and I frowned as I kept my eyes on the TV.

She was more withdrawn than she was with her prick of a Dad, and she was literally a hermit crab with him.

"I dunno what's happened to you Pops, we used to have a lot of fun together." Hamwell said as he threw himself onto the empty sofa opposite us and I rolled my eyes.

Why did everyone suddenly feel the need to join me?

I didn't mind Poppy being in here because she was quiet and well, her.

But fucking Hamwell talked too much.

"House hasn't changed much. I thought you would have brightened it up after that bitch went." Hamwell continued on as if I wasn't watching the TV and as if Poppy clearly didn't want to talk.

I saw Poppy stiffen from the corner of my eye and her lips roll together and I shifted.

"Don't you dare." Poppy almost snapped and I blinked as silence covered the room and Hamwell shifted slightly in his seat and I watched as Poppy glared at the carpeted floor.

I glanced at Hamwell and gritted my teeth, what the fuck was his problem? And what the fuck was he talking about?

"So what's going on with you two?" Hamwell directed his attention to me and I realised he literally just said whatever he wanted and when no one answered him he just changed topics.

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