Another place (BFCIA 17b)

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Star Shooter rubbed his head. "Where are we?" Star Shooter asked Himself. They looked around.

"HEY NEWCOMER WANNA BE FRIENDS!" Leafy said. "Leafy?" Star-PQM. "Yep that's me." Leafy said. "THAT'S ME!" She said looking insane. "Where's Chair?" Star-PQM. "Who's Chair?" Leafy asked.

"Hey Leafy." Coiny said. "Coiny? You should be ashamed of pushing Taco off." Star shooter yelled.

"Taco? You mean from ajlfjdjsl. I barely even know her." Coiny said. Star Shooter heard a barfing sound. Star Shooter flew over insantly.

"Rocky?" Star-PQM asked confused. Rocky barfed on Star Shooter. "Oh hey." Balloony said. "Hey." Nickel said dully. "You zeem nice, wanna be friendz." Cloudy asked. "Cloudy, You should be in the BCT, where is it?" Star Shooter asked. "Oh we have EXIT." Balloony said. 4 screeched at balloony and balloony died. "The next gontest iz ztarting zoon wanna help us?" Cloudy asked. "Ok." Star Shooter said.

"The next contest is to Reach the top of the sky, go!" 4 yelled.

"With Balloony dead, how will we reach the top?" Cloudy said. "Why not ride you." Nickel asked. "Oh right." Cloudy said. "Everyone, grab onto cloudy." Nickel said dully. Nickel, Rocky, Woody, and Star Shooter got on Cloudy. They reached the top. "Beep is the first safe." 4 said.

Lightning, Black hole, and Puffball made Death P.A.C.T, Free Food, and Iance safe.

Star Shooter flew down. "How will we ever get up there, especially with dora eliminated and ice cube gone." Book complained. "I can help." Star-PQM said. The 6 members of shsikfjd got onto Star Shooter and they were safe. "Book, Taco, and Teardrop, can I talk to you guys." Star Shooter asked and he pulled the 3 aside onto another cloud. 

"guys I don't know what's going on." Star Shooter asked. "Book and Taco are fighting." Lollipop said. "Shut up Lollipoop." Star Shooter said kicking lollipop. "I mean, Do you guys know Object Island?" Star Shooter asked. They shook their heads. "Come on Star, we got to figure somethin' else out." Star-PQM said.

The next day

Star Shooter was sitting with free food when he heard screaming. He looked up into the sky. "Stick? CATCH HIM PQM!" Star Shooter yelled as Star-PQM was in control of Star Shooter. Star Shooter ran to where stick was falling and catched him. "Star Shooter?" Stick asked. "Yeah." Star Shooter said. Stick noticed that Star Shooter was cradling him. Stick jumped out of Star Shooter's grasp. "So you mad that Temmie won?" Star Shooter asked. "No at pile of dirt." Stick said. "Aren't you guys married?" Star-PQM asked. "Well yes, but we divorced." Stick said. Star Shooter laughed and then slapped himself. "I mean... wow had sad i." Star-PQM said ashamed of himslef. "Guys, Elimination is finished." Puffball said. "In a sec." Star Shooter said. "Wait, this is BFB isn't it." Stick asked. "Yep." Star Shooter said. "So how do we escape?" Stick asked. He saw X. He gasped. "What?" Star shooter asked. "It's X, he hosted TBOB he'll know what to do." Stick said. "We already tried." Star-PQM said as Stick ignored and ran.

"X! How do we get back to Object Land?" Stick asked. "What?" X asked confused. He whispered something to 4. 4 came over. "So I see you wanna return to your homeworld huh?" 4 asked. Stick nodded and Star Shooter came over. "Well I know how." 4 said. "How?" Stick asked. "They have to open up the portal from their side." 4 said. Stick and Star Shooter looked at eachother sad.

When all hope was lost they heard a voice, "Hello? Stick?" The voice called out.

599 words.

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