"Today April 23rd, 2026 Apollo 19 will embark in the greatest journey yet, as they drive to their Shuttle and get ready to go to Planet 697. Manuel, Ruiz, McCormick, and Jackson have been training for years and today we will see them go and do what they trained for.
"Dad, we're in that car thats on TV!", says Lillith as she watches the news from the the TV installed in the Limousine.
"Isn't that awesome? You're now famous Lillith!! And so are you two!", I told them with the biggest smile.
Jasmine couldn't let go of my hand, I felt her hands sweat and her lip tremble as we got closer to the takeoff sight.
"I hope you know that I love you guys and I will NEVER leave you. I'll be gone, but I will have you in my hearts, and I will forever think about you guys. Plus I will keep in touch with you guys while I'm in space!" I told them as they began to feel sad that I would be gone for so long.
"We have about 30 before we get to the Takeoff zone Sir" Said the Driver.
"Thank you John"
"So how long will you be gone?" Said leo as he looked at his hands.
"Well the shuddle is so fast that we are supposed to get to the Planet in 3 years, and hopefully I'll be back 3 years after that so hopefully I'll be back in 6 to 7 years, I know it sounds like a long time, but it will ne worth it!" I told them as my voice began to tremble and I began to sweat for what was coming."10 minutes out Sir", said the Driver with excitment.
I kissed Jasmine in the lips and held her tight, and I grabbed my children and hugged them all as tight as I could as tears fell down my cheek. Jasmine crying was the hardest thing to see, for she's never seemed this sad before, but of course I understand. Its a risk I'm taking which may lead me to never coming home again, but it is a risk I chose to take.The moment we got there, people cheared so loud we were able to hear it from so far.
"You guys ready?", Said Ruiz as he stepped out of his vehicle.
"We were born for this", Said McCormick as he fixed his pants.
"Alright guys, todays the day, go say your final goodbyes to your family, we will have to go change you guys out, and have a quick brief.", said Mrs. White as she smiled at us and our families.
"I'll see you inside""Well.. I love you guys so much, never forget that. I will come back." I told my family while I hugged them and kissed them goodbye, sobbing for I couldn't hold my tears.
Ruiz, Jackson, and McCormick all said their goodbyes, all to which ended with tears and headaches.
"Let's go now" said Jackson sniffing and wiping the tears away.
As we started walking away our families were escorted to a safe distance with the crowd to watch the Shuddle disappear into outer space."Alright men, as we talked about it already, the weapons you guys trained with have been placed into the shuddle. Only use if needed, the password to open the locks off the weapons is on the lock, I trust you guys won't mess around" Lee stated as he helped us out our suits on. "Good luck men, I salute you", he said as he stood at attention and saluted.
"Apollo 19 can now be seen walking to their shuddle, to go on to Planet 697, may God Bless them, this is Channel 11 News, and we'll stop talking and see them depart", said the news reporter as she fixed her hair due to the wind.
"Alright lets hop on now!"
We began to get on our seats and put our seatbelts and began to catch our breaths.
"Men, its an Honor working with you guys, and Manuel, thank you for vouching for me. I wouldn't have been here today if it weren't for you", said Jackson with a nervous smile.
"You're my brother from another mother, I wouldn't leave you here and have us enjoy all the fun!" I told him as I tried controlling my voice and my shaking body."TAKE OFF IN ONE MINUTE"
"Alright men, its time", Jackson and Ruiz said at the same time. "Jinx" said Ruiz "You owe me a Juicy burger once we get back home you fool!"
"We haven't even left yet you asshole" Joked Jackson.
"Lets get this going!" Yelled McCormick.
The shuddle began to shake as the rockets turned on and prepared for takeoff. My heart nearly pumping out of my body, I tried breathing as normal as possible. The Shuddle began the takeoff and I felt my body being squished from the full force of it going into space we got there in 3 minutes due to the Technology of the new shuttle, once we got to space is when our Journey really began.
Apollo 19
Science FictionRadio astronomer Ariel White finds a planet 2.8 billion miles away which shows signs of life. Manuel, Jackson, McCormick, and Ruiz, in the Apollo 19 goes on a mission to planet 697 in hopes to find and communicate with possible life, only to find ou...