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title: the one

Tamaki x reader

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tamaki is my comfort character, so I just had to...

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The light of the moon flooded the room through a crack of the curtains, highlighting Tamaki's perfect features underneath you.

The cold, night breeze hit your skin as you straddled Tamaki's hips. Your cold fingers slid up his chest, slipping underneath his bed shirt. His breath hitched in his throat as you scraped your nails over his chest, goosebumps spreading over his skin at the pleasant sensation.

His hands slowly rubbed the small of your back, your e/c eyes seeming to put him into a trance.

His messy indigo hair covered bits of his face, beginning to fall over his eyes. You slowly tucked it behind his ear, your lips pressing against the tip of his ear before trailing down to his jaw.

"B-Butterfly," he stuttered out, visibly shivering as your soft lips pressed against his jaw. "Don't t-tease."

You chuckled before readjusting your position, laying down on his chest, stopping your gentle abuse to his jaw.

His arms lazily draped around your torso as you placed your head into the crook of his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his neck.

His fingers began to trail up and down your back, his lips beginning to press gentle kisses across your collarbone.

You turned your head to give him better access, your ear now lying on his chest. You could hear and feel how loud and fast his heartbeat was.

"Tama, baby," you giggled slightly. "Calm down. Your heartbeat is going crazy inside you."

"I can't h-help it," he smiled against your collarbone. "It's just the way I-I feel when I'm around y-you, butterfly."

"Damn, who taught you to be so smooth?" You teased, booping his nose with your finger. 

"I could name a f-few people, such a-as... y/l/n, y/n, y/f/n, y/h/n and ummm-"

"Oh be quiet, you!" He let out a small laugh, the sound alone making your heart melt in your chest.

You couldn't hold back your smile, almost hating how happy he made you feel. It felt like it was almost illegal, how nice he was to you.

"Y-y/n, i-i've been thinking..." He muttered a small hum was your response. You kept still as you felt him reach over to his bedside table, fumbling around with the objects in his drawer.

"I believe yo-you're the one for me," he stammered, his blush becoming darker with each word. "I-I w-want to m-marry you."

You snapped your head up see a small black box in his hands, his face a dark shade of scarlet as he forced himself to look at you.

Just like Mirio taught you, c'mon, you can do it... He gulped down his nerves, opening the box nervously. Just ask them the question.

"y/f/n, will y-you m-marry m-me?" He stumbled over his words, his eyes quickly averting away from you.

"Yes... yes I will Tamaki!" You smashed your lips against his own, causing him to drop the box as his body unfroze. You could feel happy tears sliding down your cheeks, along with Tamaki's.

When you finally pulled away, Tamaki was full-on crying with happiness. "Oh, Tama baby! Don't cry, it's ok, it's ok, shush..." he used his arms to wipe away his tears, hating the compromising situation he was currently in.

He was embarrassed that he was crying, even after he told himself not to at least a million times while you kissed.

After you had both stopped crying, he managed to slip the ring on your finger, choking back sobs as the brightest grin he had ever seen made its way onto your face. You looked so happy... because of him. 

It was too much for his big heart.

"I love you so fucking much, y/n."

It was rare that you heard him swear, but when he did, you knew it was important and meaningful in the situation.

"I love you so much too, Tama. I really do..."

Tamaki Amajiki oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now