unexpected kisses.

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title: unexpected kisses

tamaki x reader

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Tamaki's cheeks were dusted with a light pink blush as you swung your intertwined hands while Tamaki talked to you about his day.

"Anyway, M-Mirio decided that it w-would be funny to try and prank Nejire," He mumbled, trying to ignore the flustered feeling that overwhelmed his body which was caused by you. "He tried to convince me t-to use my tentacles to make it look l-like his guts were falling-"

You cut him off with a small peck on the corner of his lips, causing him to momentarily freeze before looking at you with wide-eyes. "U-Uh-"

"I take it didn't go so well with Nejire?" You continued to talk to him like nothing happened, a small smile playing on your lips while you stared up at him. He tore his gaze away from yours – trying to cool down the warm feeling in his heart. He cleared his throat before he pushed open the door to the café for you, shaking his head in response.

"I've n-never seen her so m-mad."

Tamaki joined you at a small table in the corner of the café, away from the big crowds of people. "I'm sure she'll forgive you guys," You smiled as you picked up the menu, his hands shaking slightly at the mere sight of you smiling softly at him. "She'll understand that it was just a prank."

Tamaki nodded before he rested his cheek on his hand, staring at you as you began to read the menu. "Do you want a coffee, milkshake or hot chocolate? My treat." You winked at him, making his eyes widen before he shyly looked away from you.

"You don't h-have to." He tried to explain but you had already gotten up and rested your hand on his shoulder softly.

"Let me treat you today," You whispered before you leant down and kissed his cheek, an embarrassed squeak slipping from his lips before you walked away with a smile.

- - -

"How was y-your day, butterfly?" Tamaki asked, his thumb slowly rubbing over your knuckles while you rested your cheek on your free hand.

"It was alright, I was just dying to go on this date though," You teasingly said before giggling as he shyly averted his eyes, a blush blooming over his cheeks. "Mirio told me that you were worrying about it." You giggled as his eyes widened and he frantically waved his hands.

"N-No! That's not entirely true, I-I was just-" You cut him off as your lips pressed against his, causing him to squeak and his body to freeze. You pulled away, laughing at his current position. His hands were frozen in mid-air and his eyes were as wide as saucers while a bright scarlet blush bloomed over his cheeks.

"Continue?" You giggled as he finally lowered his head, resting his forehead on the cool surface on the table – an attempt to cool his body down.

"W-Why," he stuttered out and nervously looked up at you through his bangs. "In p-public?"

"Aw, I'm sorry baby, I'll stop." You apologised before a waiter walked over to give the two of you your orders. "Thank you!"

"T-Thanks," Tamaki cupped the mug full of coffee. "I... I didn't s-say to stop d-doing it..."

You could feel your heart melt at his shy but sweet words as you cupped the mug of (y/f/d). His free hand reached for yours, a small smile playing on his lips as you loosely intertwined your fingers with his.

"You're so cute, Tama."

- - -

"What if Nejire's still m-mad at me?" Tamaki's nervous voice broke the peaceful silence as you approached the dorms, your hands still intertwined with his. You looked up at him and his indigo eyes nervously met yours.

"Just talk to her, she'll understand. Mirio's probably already explained everything, don't worry." You shrugged and stepped in front of him to open the doors, but his hand stopped yours.

"I just... wanted to s-say thank you for today and I'm sorry if I d-did anything wrong..." He muttered nervously, hiding his face with the sleeves of his sweater before he pulled his arms away from his face. "I really e-enjoyed today- e-eek!" He squeaked as your lips pressed against his while your arms wrapped around his torso and pulled him closer.

He slowly melted into the kiss and rested his hands on your hips, his fingers trembling against your skin. Tamaki softly whined when you pulled away from the kiss, your arms unwrapping from him as you smiled up at him.

"I'll be sure to take you on another date."

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