|Ch-1| Wedding of the year

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“Oh god, I told you no roses! Ray is allergic to roses”

“Move your ass faster punks! I don't pay you to drool around”

“You call this decoration?! I told you about the theme a thousand times. Brighter! MAKE IT BRIGHT DAMN YOU!” I shouted mercilessly at a lean boy carrying the lights in his hands.

He stumbled on his feet startled, and when I kept staring at him, he gulped and moved away quickly. You might think that I am acting too harsh but when you are a celebrity wedding planner and have to plan the wedding of your lifelong best friend...well it's a big deal.

“Mary, have you prepared the champagne flutes near the gates?” I asked my assistant, who looked just as distressed and worried as me. She regarded me with her green eyes and sighed.

“I have but...” She looked around then, checking for extra ears. Leaning a little forward she whispered in my ear, “Ray is still nowhere around! Dominic is going crazy. He thinks...Ray left him for good”

I sighed myself, a little out of sadness and worry for my friend. There is no way, Ray would leave him like that. But if he has...god knows how the media will portray this. Especially when they are a gay couple.

“Alright, I will go and calm him down. You arrange the things in order” I ordered and proceeded to Dominic's room.

I knocked twice on the wooden door, it opened slowly, unlocked already. Peeking inside, I moved forward and found a very distressed Dominic sitting in front of the floor-length mirror. He wore a black tux with a golden cuff and golden shoes. His black hair parted back, unlike his usual style, giving the appreciating charm to his high cheekbones face.

I cleared my throat loudly, he turned and met my gaze with his black alarmed eyes. They grew sad when he saw it was me and not the person he was thinking of.

“Stace” He started lifting his hand to pass it through his hairs, out of old habit. And then realized that he can't do that right now or it might ruin his perfect hair.

“Hey, why the long face? Ray is going to be here! He must be still convincing his parents. We still have time” I reassured him with a big smile, pointing at my watch.

Dominic smiled sadly and my eyes teared up a little when he said, “It's over Stace. He isn't going to be here. He left me...for good this time”

I ran to him quickly hugging him tightly. He rested his head on my shoulder, a slight shudder passed through him.

“That's not true. I believe Ray. He will be here, I promise!” I insisted, pressing my hand on his. He looked down and nodded slowly.

And as if the perfect timing couldn't get any more perfect, a knock behind us made us turn to find a very familiar-looking man in a white tux.

He rocked it with his blonde hair and his warm honey eyes shined out. I chuckled and Dominic let out a wobbly laugh himself. A single tear escaped his eyes.

“Now, now...you are not allowed to cry yet” I scolded him but my tears threatened to fall.

“Am I late?” Ray asked in the most innocent tone, he always used it with Dominic.

“Very,” Dominic said harshly, they both moved towards each other.

Desperate to embrace. I chuckled again watching the two adorable grooms. “Hey! No kissing before the wedding” I reminded them when Dominic kept staring at a very whipped Ray intensely.

“Okay, mom” Dominic called out in a whiny voice.

My heart feels like a balloon, warming up every time I look at these two. Relationships ruled out for me the moment I got divorced. It's hard to trust anyone when you lose trust in someone you love, two times. Those two times when I thought there couldn't be anything more real and amazing than the relationship I had at that time.

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