|Ch-4| Therapy in a bar

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23rd October 2020

You must have heard about the term, 'made for each other', many-many times. Well, that's how I describe Dominic and Ray as they entered the hotel hand in hand. Their staff walked behind them with their suitcases. People stopped to stare at the two handsome men. I felt like a proud mom.

“Dom. Ray,” I greeted them with a warm smile. Dominic smiled back with the same enthusiasm and hugged me tightly.

“Stace, you look good. Mary, how are you?” He asked, tapping my shoulder lightly. Mary blushed and giggled a little while replying, “I am good sir”

Ray came to hug me next, he smiled genuinely, “Stacy darling I missed you. It's always so good to have you around”

“Aww Ray that's so sweet,” I said chuckling. The huge belly man came to greet the couple with a wide grin.

“Mr and ms-...Sir! It's nice to meet you. I hope you both will like our preparations. We can start discussing the wedding preparations as soon as you get settled in after a day or two” He suggested.

Dominic nodded at that, Ray leaned in to whisper something in his ear. Dom looked at me, “Ray is tired, take him to his room, Stace. I have something urgent to do”

“Sure I muttered” I pulled Ray towards me with his arms, “Come, Ray, I will show you some good time,” I said in a flirty manner. Ray giggled at that with Mary and we three took the elevator to his room.

I sipped on my Fanta, looking at the lovely couple on the beach.

“Dominic looks happy” Mary muttered observing him and Ray beside me sipping her coke.

“Yes,” I answered staring at the two in envy as they clicked away from the selfies.

“What is that?” She asked pointing at Dominic's bare chest. I stifled a laugh and coughed. “Those are abs. Careful honey, he is a gay man”

Mary passed me a look that screamed crazy. “I know what abs are, if you haven't realized I usually go on dates unlike you”

Burn. Ouch. “Do you want a salary demotion?” I asked, flaring my nose.

“Wha...No! I am sorry. I was talking about his tattoo. Look” She said pointing again.

I looked at Dominic again. Or rather his chest is covered in a v shape tattoo. 23 written in the columns inside the tattoo.

“Let's head back in,” I said, looking away quickly. I didn't wait for her to follow.

Way to ruin my mood. Why do you still have that tattoo, Dom? Do you still remember it? And I know in my heart that I don't want him to answer these questions ever. The evening sun was ready to set down, a darker shade of red.

“Wear a lighter shade of honey that will suit you better” A man advised his wife, a few feet away from me.

I groaned loudly. Why did he say that? I decided to sit inside a more conservative place where I can not hear things like ‘wear something light shade’. I didn't check to see who was sitting right behind me with a huge cap that hid her face. Only her highlighted brown hairs were visible. I glanced ahead sighing, and muttered to myself, “Maybe I shouldn't have taken this job”

“If you hadn't then I would have not enjoyed my wedding” The girl whispered in my ear. I turned, and she slowly lifted her hat to wink at me.


“Shhh,” She said, covering my mouth. “I am hiding from the media. I am here on a bachelor trip. If they saw me alone they will assume I fought with my husband. Or we are going to divorce soon. Or worse they will portray one of us as a cheater”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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