|Ch-2| Spring Day

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17th October 2020

Have you ever heard about spring day? I had found my first most lovable happiness on a spring day. It was a spring day when I held two small bodies bundled up in towels, close to my chest. And it was a spring day when my heart got broken for the first time. Spring came for me when the first hand I held in my life, left forever.

It's funny how spring comes for me. A passing breeze that either delivers joys or sorrows on my shoulders.

It's a spring day here, today. I struggle to take out my suitcase from my car. My Hawaiian sandals proved to be the right choice as I struggled and pulled my other bag out of my Mercedes. But I wasn't the only one who struggled, beside me my assistant, Mary was exerting effort from her power muscle to pull out her suitcase that was strangely bigger than mine. I frowned at her unhappily and proceeded to lend her a hand when she cursed under her breath.

She shared a grateful look with me and then focused her attention back on the suitcase, we both pulled it out together finally. But a loud screeching followed the landing of the two front wheels of the suitcase. Open-mouthed we both leaned together to inspect.

Scratch. A huge fucking scratch on my baby.

I turned to glare daggers at the petite excuse of an assistant I have. She blushed guilty, her breaths already becoming uneven.

“I just bought this!” I shouted out in her face, she flinched back wincing.

“I am sorry. I didn't mean to”

“Why do you have more stuff than me anyway?! Are there bricks inside that bag?” I asked in a distasteful tone.

“It's your files. Not my mistake” She whispered slowly.

I narrowed my eyes at her, then inhaling deeply, I closed the car door with a loud bang. We moved together on the side path alongside the beach that lead to Sarangwood Estate. I wore a white shirt and white bell-bottoms. The golden round earrings shined in the sunlight. A white coat on my shoulders.

After three hours of travel, we finally stood in front of the wedding destination. I took off my sunglasses, pretending to swing my fingers and then pushing them inside my shirt that had three front buttons open.

It was a wrong decision, as the sunglasses slipped from my hand and landed on the road. The glasses shattered, unlike the movie sequences I watched. I blushed red like a tomato when a passing girl laughed openly on my face.

“Ha! Very funny” I commented scoffing. Beside me Mary muttered something that sounded like, 'ugh she is embarrassing herself again'.

I decided to ignore the incident and whipped a few of my brown hairs back and walked inside the entrance. Some of the staff bowed and I found the one I was searching for. He stood near the reception with big grins, a big belly, and a girl half of his age on his left arm.

“Welcome," He started bowing a little, the girl beside him stayed intact. Her eyes were hidden behind her shades. Her black slicked back in a classic ponytail. It was easy to detect her eyes scanning me up and down even with the shades on. Probably checking out the comparison brands. For her money seemed like a speck of dirt, which was clear from the way she disregarded my less branded clothes.

She wore a black Armani suit, her teeth shining like pearls when she smiled. It was a fake smile. Snake smile. The one I am quite aware of from working in this field.

They always smile like that, lighting up the atmosphere around them, fawning over their personality, proud of the way the person in front is left speechless. These celebrity brats.

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