No title in mind

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So, it's been a while. Been caught up with Borderlands. Really, caught up

Crimson: I had to pry him away just to write for the other stories!

Anyways, this story is kind of going nowhere. So I'm discontinuing it, sorry to do this twice in such a short amount of time, but I've lost interest in Highschool DxD. Hell, I couldn't watch past the first episode. 99% of my knowledge comes from fanfictions. So I have no idea what to do next. I've also spent so much time away between finishing 10th grade, working for the summer and starting 11th grade. This story (and all my others) fell off to the side, as they weren't my top priority

Once again, I'm really sorry, but I have no place for this story to go.

Who Said That Sirzechs Only Had One Son?(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now