countryhumans iceland + a oneshot or whatever

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so like I am a hetalia fan. a big one. and I loved Iceland to death, Iceland and Portugal were my two favorites. sOoooOOOoo icy is new in ch! Anyways. His personality is somewhere between sarcastic, funny, bored and annoyed. a perfect mix. btw i am just going to make it cannon that Norway is his elder brother and Norway cared for icy a lot. it made perfect sense! The Norwegians set foot of Iceland first, they are consider brother countries why not brother humans? He's so adorable. Need to be luv <3
I will write a little post of his life so yeah. Hopefully y'all like my writing
anyways luv yah <3

 Hopefully y'all like my writing anyways luv yah <3

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yeah. sorry for the watermarks tho, anyways imma put the shot right here->

Catching Northern Lights

Iceland woke up. To his dismay the clock read 3:00 AM, recently he can't fall asleep. He just tumble in his pillows and looked out at the starry night, after lying for several minutes and not seem to be close to sleeping. He stood up and tumbled out of bed.
"Gah...." he moaned.
Getting up he looked into the mirror of his bathroom. A tired, sleepless, boy stood there. He tried to shake away this dark and tired image of himself, but it didn't leave. He just shook his head before he headed to his closet. Throwing on a comfy coat only with furry boots. He couldn't hear anything in the peaceful night, everything seemed so peaceful in Iceland today. Standing up he headed for the door knob and opened the door, he was greeted with fresh cold air. Iceland owned a large home. But it seemed lifeless and dim. No light could be seen through the long hallways, only a shape of a boy. In Iceland, Reykjavik, the snow is already been barricading the land. Outside, the land was covered in a white blanket and the streets seemed peaceful and calm. Iceland headed downstairs, the sound of his boots echoed through the hallways. No one is there. It's strange, he owned a large house, yet no one is in there.
"Hey." He heard a very bored voice.
"Hey, Rússland. What wind blew you here out of everyone?" He asked chuckling.
A slight grumble was heard from the other end, "Iceland. Stop making jokes around me."
"Whatever. It's not like it actually been stored in my mind." He replied.
He heard a tired sigh from the other end, "Are you free?"
Iceland twitched his brows, "What do you mean?"
"Are you free to get coffee with me and Ukraine tomorrow?" The words were blurred out in a quick speed.
Iceland just stood there before he laughed, "Rússland auðvitað!"
(I use google translate don't come for me.
auðvitað- of course)
"Alright. Meet me at Moscow then at three— don't you dare to be late!" He rambled into the phone.
"Wait wait what—" before Iceland could ask further questions he hang the line.
Iceland sighed and grumbled before he step upon the silent streets. He just took out his phone, on his calendar he typed, "meet Rússland and Ukraine at 3!!" It was written in bold text before he continued moving. The Icelandic country didn't know where he is going, for he only knows he can't sleep and is dying for some fresh air. His boots were the only sound, but after a while he found himself at the park. Quickening his pace he entered the park.
"Woahh....." he whispered quietly as his eyes dazed to the sky.
The colors of green, blue, and purple splashed onto the sky. It was the northern lights. He ran quicker and quicker to a hill in the park. Somewhere high above, he didn't know when or where the northern lights appeared. But he knows for sure— he is going to catch it no matter what. Running fast as lightening heading for the hill he panted like a dog. The lights where still there. Shinning so bright.
He opened his phone again and dialed the number, "What do you want Iceland?!" It was a very annoyed voice of Russia.
"Hey. Rússland how about you come over tomorrow and help me catch the northern lights?" He asked with a flat tone.
He was busy admiring the lights across the sky, even if he seen it for a million times it is still so wonderful and help to calm him down.
"Catch? Iceland. Have you been eating candy? How can you catch the lights?" He replied annoyingly.
"No. You can, you just have to be fast enough. Come on, just help me catch the northern lights." He whined into the phone.
A moment later he heard another voice popped up, "northern lights. Russ, I've never seen it before." It was Ukraine.
"Oh. Hey Úkraínu,"
He heard a long pause before he heard a quiet stutter, "Hey-y."
Before Ukraine could continue, Iceland said happily in the phone, "Úkraínu! Úkraínu! You would come and help me catch the northern lights right?"
The voice seemed childish and young. Iceland suddenly turn into a little child chasing his own little dreams.
"Fine! I will come tomorrow night, we will go catch the northern lights alright Icy?" Ukraine replied into a phone. This time a calm and soothing tone.
Iceland's eyes shimmer as he got a clear view of the lights on the hill. "Yes, yes! Please, please! This would be wonderful! Thank you!"
He repeated like a child before Russia grab the phone.
"Seriously? Are you three?"
"Maybe I am Rússland. What do you know?" He replied sarcastically.
Russia just sighed, "fine-e."
"Thank you, thank you! I've always wanted someone to catch the lights with me but no one came!"
Iceland cheered into the phone before they hung up. He looked up at the northern lights before sighing, waiting till it disappeared. He headed back and got a calm and decent sleep.
Next morning. He got a lot of calls, so many his phone is bombing. Some was his former father, Denmark, his brother, Norway. Other are from countries that he is friend of him or complete strangers.
"Ohh..... great job Rússland." Inside the EU group was a footage of Russia sitting on the couch along with Ukraine.
They held the phone on speaker and recorded Iceland. Under it stated, "Iceland being a child? Or is he?" A lot of people commented, many explained it as one of the cutest moments they've encounter Iceland. His brother and Denmark seemed confused and a bit angry. Even EU commented and was honestly surprise.
Answering the phone one more time. "Yeah Rússland?"
"Let's go and catch the northern lights."
"Will you promise you will catch it?" He asked lazily.
"Promise." It was a deep, and quiet voice.
Iceland shot up from his bed looking out from the window as a smile crept onto his face. "Thank you." He finally answered.

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