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Hey I guess lol I have many sketches of icy rn, let me show u

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Hey I guess lol I have many sketches of icy rn, let me show u

Hey I guess lol I have many sketches of icy rn, let me show u

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It isn't finish yet but I decided to go with sick icy au

so for the first icy I did an one shot, and I was like ya let me do it again so here

Name: Iceland
Age: XXX
Illness: XXXX

Iceland hated how the doctor would be scribbling on his board none stop with his ballpoint pen. What disgusts him even more is how often he would raise his head, squint, and then continue back to writing. The doctor himself could be compared to a robot at work, he do realize that the doctor is trying his best to help him but he can't help but hate the atmosphere that cover them. Iceland took his phone from the counter, he had run into some issues regarding health and such. Right now, a huge problem is his low on blood and general health status, around a couple hours ago he finished a surgery that was very successful. Luckily, his government paid everything. How long would he recover still remains a question.
"Hey EU?" Iceland dialed his phone.
"Oh— greetings Iceland." The union replied.
"So. Erm— I maybe have to call in sick for like around a month or two— I think?" The doctor shrugged his shoulders when Iceland looked at him. Basically screaming: I am uncertain too.
"Iceland, how could you possibly have a cold that could affect you for an entire month?" The union sighed.
"Erm. Well. You see, I'm at the hospital, and I don't really know when I could get out."
"Oh— yo— wait what?" EU screamed into the phone. Iceland winced at the sudden noise.
"How did y—"
"Okay. There's a reason I called you. Like, tell the Nordics that I have an issue that I need to resolve so I wouldn't be attending any of the meetings. Or make up an excuse, I don't really know. I don't want anyone to know besides you."
"... Well. Alright then." EU was clearly not happy with those words but he still chooses to respect it.
"Okay, okay, don't be such a sad cloud! How about you come visit me and maybe bring some chocolates and flower? You know, I really appreciate some company here." Iceland said into the phone.
You could hear the union's loud sigh from the other end. "Chocolate right? You sure you can eat that?"
"Yeah of course!" That's was a lie.
"Alright then, send me your location. I would be there after the meetings in two hours."
Iceland typed into his phone, soon they hung up. Iceland took a loud sigh.
"Are you finished?" He grumbled at the doctor, always reminding him he is in this hospital.
"Quite well, erm, yes. Please take some rest sir." The doctor replied, Iceland layer back in his bed.
"Right then, thanks." Iceland replied, he heard the door shut when the doctor exit. He stretched his hand apart and sighed deeply.
Before leaving the doctor leaves the board on Iceland's door, it was hung up there. Iceland, clearly bored, was curious. He moved his way up, however it was a long journey. He just finished a surgery he fell off a— well a snow mountain you could say. It wasn't very tall but it did do damage since there were tree wigs on the bottom of the snow floor. Iceland, landed very, very, very, awfully, he ended up with twigs stabbing through his body. He managed to get rid of them. Though, how did he fell was still a question, the mountain had fences protecting just in case something like this happened. No one knows, Iceland himself refuses to answer the question. Before you know it, the white snow had red blood on it, the contrast was awkward, but you could see Iceland crawls towards the nearest tree and sit down under it as he gasp.
That's basically why he is here. How did he fell? He still didn't answered. He managed to get the board, sat next to the door and started reading. After scanning through it Iceland deemed it useless in many ways. It just explained what he told happened, where he was bleeding and just regular notes. It also included what Iceland should eat and his procedures to get better which he clearly isn't interested in doing. He crawls back to his bed and manages to get up and tuck himself in the blankets. There isn't much you could do as a patient, he had gotten text messages from the other Nordics, they seem to fell for that excuse. He also gotten pictures from EU. It was pictures of his family, which he finds them very comforting. He heard a soft knock on the door at the afternoon.
"Come in!" He shouted.
EU came in, he did brought flowers and chocolates, he sat down next to the boy in his bed.
"This is not a bad room." Iceland said jokingly. EU scanned him up and down.
With a deep sigh EU placed the flowers next to his bed, he went into the bathroom. Took a towel, rinse it with hot water and came back with a warm towel.
He rubbed Iceland's face, Iceland didn't resist, he just let him do it. EU carefully rubbed his face and return the towel, Iceland actually liked the towel like anyone. EU sat down on a chair and studied the boy, he had bandages here and there and his voice seems dry, he also, visibly, seems to be very tired.
"I didn't expect you to be in such a bad shape." He said while opening the chocolates. Iceland clearly seems interested, EU took out a piece and hand it to the boy.
"Well— I didn't expect it too!" He said between eating.
"Eat, I will look at your report for now." EU said while he headed towards the door and grabbed the board and sat down next to the bed once again.
Iceland just eat the sweets calmly. While the union was busy reading.
"You.... fell down a mountain?"
"Yeah. Kind of. Or yeah!" Iceland replied clearly still occupied with the sugary sweets in front of him.
"How did you do that? There were fences." EU asked questionably.
"It's a mystery! Can't you see it. Let's say. For now it remains unsolved!"
EU didn't questioned further as he watch the boy eat in peace. EU suddenly started rubbing Iceland's face gently. Iceland didn't mind and continued eating, after he finished the clearly expensive sweets he sighed and laid down.
"Will you come tomorrow?" Iceland whines asking as EU stood up. The union clearly seems distress but he answered anyways.
"Yeah. I will."
Iceland laughed gently while helping his hand. "Yeah. You will."

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