martial humanized

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so this is martial law humanized, so sorry Phil but I just love this man too dang much— anYwaYs I'm sorry for the eyes. They suck. Tbh I'm proud of how it turns out expect for the eyes— ew

Martial law is just too cool for anyone, even his peers he's just too wonderful.

-Trying to protect Phil and fix his "mistakes" and make everything wonderful and right again and destroy the so called "enemies" America cough cough Yeah martial, me too, me too.

-Trying to protect Phil and fix his "mistakes" and make everything wonderful and right again and destroy the so called "enemies" America cough cough Yeah martial, me too, me too

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Anyways I'm playing roblox a lot XD lol. If anyone wants to play with me just pm me I'm free everyday lol

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