7 : Well That Was Weird

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- Saba's POV -

- Morning -

Dear Journal,

I can't believe I'm about to say this but, King asked me to be his and I agreed. Am I crazy for doing this? A part of me feels like this is a dream. A dream that I don't want to wake up from and yet another part of me feels like this could and will easily turn into a nightmare. It wouldn't be the first time a guy has pretended to like me. Saying similar things as King said, then once they got what they wanted, throw me aside like trash. I feel as though I am risking myself on a slim chance that he might actually be telling the truth. Then again, if he isn't and this is just some cruel sick joke.... I might just move away from everyone and everything.... or do one better and just end it all completely. Would definitely be better than dealing with the pain.

- Saba

- Mugs Of Beans -

I decided to go in early. I can't lie, I was feeling good today. I walk in and see Gloria cleaning the tables and setting everything up. She notices me and stops to stare without saying a word. For what seemed like forever she looked me up and down as if she forgot who I am and was wondering why some stranger just walked into her shop.

"You alright?" I ask her as she continued looking me up and down.

"You look different." She said raising an eyebrow. I internally sigh in relief, crossing off the idea of spontaneous dementia.

"What do you mean?" I furrow my brows as she comes closer, inspecting me.

"You're..." She pauses. "Brighter today." She squinted really hard at me. "Did you get some good dick?"

"Miss Gloria!" I shouted and felt all the blood rush to my face. I love this woman but for heaven's sake, she has absolutely no filter.

"What?" She smiles innocently at me. "Haven't you heard that saying before? A good dick a day will keep the doctor away." She laughed and set down the last chair, wiping off the table.

"It's an apple a day keeps the doctor away." I shook my head and giggled.

"Apples?" She looked offended I even suggested such a thing. "Apples can't compare to some good dick sweetheart. Any doctor can tell you that."

"I don't think any doctor would yell you that."

"Then they aren't good doctors." She rolled her eyes as if this was common knowledge. She was walking towards the kitchen when she paused and turned. "Or they haven't had good dick before."

"Who hasn't had good dick before?" Lila chimed in as she walked through the door with a smile.

"I have said the cat." Gloria snickered.

"It's, not I said the cat." I giggled. This woman is something else.

"You're not gonna keep correcting me child! I know what the fuck I mean." She glared, pointing her finger at me. I held up my hands in surrender and tried not to laugh. "And we know you haven't... yet." She winked saying the last word and slipped into the kitchen, grinning like the cheshire cat. I turned to Lila and sighed, shaking my head.

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