Chapter 10

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John pressed kisses along Sherlock's jaw, nuzzling into his ear. His breath was warm against his skin, and Sherlock panted at the sensation. John's hands were lazily stroking up and down Sherlock's back, light caresses, like he had all the time in the world.

Whining softly, Sherlock shifted so his legs were between John's, their hips pressed together. It was amazing to feel John's hardness against his own, even through all the fabric, and he rotated his hips to grind a little. He was breathing fast, and he felt flushed. Too warm, although he'd already taken off his suit jacket.

By contrast, John was breathing more normal, looking slightly aroused but nowhere as desperate as Sherlock was. He seemed to have no desire to go beyond this wonderful make-out session, kissing and touching lightly, clothes staying on.

Lying on top of John, Sherlock had felt a sense of victory at being able to tuck between John's legs. To feel John's erection pressing against his stomach had sent a spiral of lust, pure wanting, through him. He wanted so badly to unzip John's jeans and push aside his pants. Stroke and explore his cock, watch John in his pleasure, watch him come apart under Sherlock's touch.

But so far, John hadn't even let Sherlock undo a button of his shirt, or tug his shirt up to touch the bare skin of his back.

After the dinner, they had continued to hold hands as they walked back to the flat, Sherlock feeling a bit giddy from just doing that. When John had kissed him and drawn him down onto the sofa, he had eagerly followed him.

John was extremely good at kissing, and that alone for the past twenty minutes was getting Sherlock extremely hot and bothered. He needed more, more, more.

"You have learned your lessons well, Sherlock. You are a much better kisser than you used to be." John said, with a satisfying roughness to his voice.

Sherlock smiled at the compliment. He had gotten better at varying things up, noticing when John did something different and copying it, adding it to his repertoire. He noticed what he liked himself, and catalogued what John responded to, seeing how different they were. Sherlock was very sensitive around his ears, and having John suck and bite his earlobe was almost orgasmic. John had a place lower on his neck that seemed his preferred spot, arching against Sherlock's lips for more. It was incredible seeing his dom enjoying his caresses so much. So hot.

He enjoyed the contact and attention, but his baseline hum of arousal had been simmering at a higher level since they held hands at dinner, only to be now at maximum levels for quite a while. His cock was throbbing, and pressing it against John's was doing nothing to ease the ache.

"John, please, please...," he broke off a kiss to beg softly, giving John beseeching eyes.

Smiling slowly, John pushed Sherlock's hair back. "What do you want?"

Burying his face against John's neck, he planted a few kisses there. "More, can we please do more?"

"Mmmmm....but I like this. After such a heavy meal, isn't it nice to just make-out? You smell so good, and I like feeling your weight on top of me." John said, hugging Sherlock tightly, stroking his back.

Sherlock looked down at John and sighed. He could see there was no changing his mind. Shifting down a little, he made sure his cock wasn't pressing against John anymore and tried to just relax and enjoy being in John's arms.

After a few minutes, the surge of desire had faded back down a bit. He drifted along, feeling John's hands on his back, his warmth, his scent. The thump of his heart, steady and sure under his ear. Daringly, he lifted a hand to John's hair, running his fingers through the short, silky strands like John so often did for him. He was rewarded with a pleased purr, and John leaning into his touch.

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