Chapter 12

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John woke up, feeling good. The ache in his shoulder was gone, thanks to the massage. It was wonderful knowing he could ask Sherlock for massages in the future to help with stiffness. Plus it had felt so relaxing.

He showered for work, having a lazy wank because he had time for it. As he stroked, he pondered what the next step with Sherlock should be. He was good at kissing and touching now. Maybe it was time to introduce oral sex?

The speed of his strokes speed up at that. He could go down on Sherlock first, show him the techniques, how to use both hands and his mouth for pleasure. Or maybe he should finally just order Sherlock to strip him naked, seeing his cock for the first time, and lie back. Give no instructions and see what Sherlock did on his own.

Picturing Sherlock kissing all over his chest while stroking his cock brought John to orgasm, and he braced himself against the tiled shower wall while he caught his breath.

Mmmmm soon. Soon, they would have to make that a reality.


Getting home from work later, the apartment was quiet and empty. John checked his phone for a message from Sherlock and there wasn't one. He must have gotten busy with a case.

John shrugged, and made chicken curry for dinner. He ended up storing Sherlock's portion in the fridge, for him to reheat later. There was still no messages from him.

Everything OK, Sherlock? - J

He sent the message, hoping for a reply soon, just to know where Sherlock was.

By the time he got ready for bed, there was still nothing.


When he woke up, the apartment was still empty and no messages on his phone.

He called the Yard. "DI Lestrade, please."

They were soon connected. "Lestrade."

"Hi. This is John Watson." He scrambled for the right word to describe their relationship. Was Sherlock out at work? Even if he was, John could hardly say that he was his lover or dom. Boyfriend didn't feel quite right either.

There was a pause at the other end. "Oh right, Sherlock's....colleague."

John sighed in relief that the DI remembered him. "Well, we are actually flatmates and he didn't come home last night. I want to make sure he's OK."

He could hear some papers being shuffled around. "Oh, really? We didn't talk yesterday at all. The toxicology report came out a couple days ago, and I gave Sherlock a copy of it. Molly is doing an autopsy."

"Molly?" John asked.

Lestrade chuckled. "She works in the morgue at Bart's, and Sherlock is always hanging around there, flirting with her to get body parts for his experiments."

Oh, so that's where he got the items in their kitchen.John had mostly ignored that, and Sherlock had been better at keeping things tidy since becoming John's sub.

"Can you give me her number? Maybe she knows where he is." John said softly.

Lestrade texted him the information. "There you go. Keep me in the loop on this, OK? Sherlock has been known to run off on his own during a case, following some obscure lead, and doesn't always consider that it could be dangerous."

That was hardly reassuring. A tight feeling of dread was growing in John's stomach.

"I'll let you know what I find out." John said before making his goodbyes.

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