Chapter 15

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John looked at the display of cookware, and sighed.

"It is hard to decide, isn't it?" A tall, slim older man commented, seeing John's struggle. He was wearing a dark grey pin striped suit that was fitted too well to be off the rack, and a deep red tie.

Chuckling, John shrugged. "Do you know much about this? I'm debating if I should get stainless steel or non-stick."

Looking at the choices John waved at, the man looked closely at him. "The non-stick set is about 100£ cheaper."

"Someone else is paying for it, so price really isn't the biggest factor." John laughed.

"In that case, go with copper." The man looked over at the solid copper pots, each one hundreds of pounds.

John shook his head. "That is a little high. Plus, there's a good chance I'll have to replace the set sooner or later again." He picked up the large box with the pricier stainless steel set, almost dropping the ladle and wooden spoon he was holding.

"Here, let me help you." The man grabbed the smaller items and followed John to the cash desk.

Appreciative of the help, John still found it a little odd. "Um, thanks. I should be good now."

The man didn't get the hint, still lingering, as the cashier rang up the items and bagged the utensils. Was he interested in John? What did he want?

"Why did you say you might have to replace the set?" The man took the small bag to allow John to carry the big box.

Getting on the escalator, John sighed. "My flatmate treats the kitchen as a laboratory, so I shudder to think what could happen to this set."

At the base of the escalator, John glanced over to the food hall, now regretting buying the pot set before looking around there.

The astute stranger caught his glance. "Oh, did you want to get some food? Let me help you."

John felt a little strange accepting more help from the stranger, but really couldn't resist picking up some of his favorites while in the shop. Pretty soon they were at the cheese counter, getting a good selection.

"You mentioned having a flatmate. Does he like Danish blue?" The man pointed at the cheese in question.

John shrugged. "He'd probably survive on tea and toast if I wasn't there. He's not that particular about food." He finished paying for his selections, and added them to the bag with the utensils.

"Sounds like you know him quite well. Are you just flatmates?" The man was watching John closely for an answer as they walked out of the department store. It was drizzling, so they stood below an awning.

John shook his head, taking the bag back from the man. "Um, look, you've been very helpful today, but I'm really not looking for..."

The man shook his head quickly. "No, I didn't mean that." He was quiet for a couple seconds as John looked at him, waiting for an explanation to the intrusive question. "You were holding hands with him as you left the police station yesterday, and it looked like you were kissing in the taxi."

John's eyebrows went up. "How the hell do you know that? Have you been following me or something?"

The man took on an aloof expression, straightening up to his full height. "I occupy a minor position in the British government, and you have been under surveillance. What is your connection to Sherlock Holmes?"

John stared at the taller man for a full minute. "I could be wrong ... but I think that's none of your business."

"You've moved in with him and now you're solving crimes together. Might we expect a happy announcement by the end of the week?" The tall man pushed forward with his inquiries.

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