Jasper x Wylan

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Crows' place

"Every information comes with the appropriate price, doesn't it, Dirtyhands?!"
Since Inej left Crows it was hard for Kaz to get information, even for a small nothing they wanted at least 5000 kruge.
"Alright, what's your price, Dunc?!" a growl came out, Duncan Fletcher was the only one ready to work with Dortyhands, so Kaz had no other choice than to agree.
"I'll say 2000 kruge, cause I'm feeling kind today.", a smirk appeared on his face.
"Van Eck tried to get parem into his possession, to build a rebel army of his Grishas"
Kaz clenched his jaw.
"He is now in the prison, but they will let him out, dats for sure!" croaked Dunc.
Kaz held out a cheque, " Here is your payament, The Kind One."
A croak escaped Dunc's mouth but he resisted a temptation of laughing.
"Always happy to help, as long as you pay me!" and he disappeared into the shadows.
"So our old friend is having a lot trouble, time to visit him..."
Time Skip
Jasper wasn't impressed of getting called into the prison to " do something important", but he couldn't disagree with Kaz, he was in a really foul mood.
Finally they arrived,
"Psh, God couldn't you tell me that we are visiting such an important person, I would have dressed up..."
Kaz's stare stopped him mid sentence.
" Well, well, well and who do we have here? Huh!? I think we were clear on the whole pact! We let you go, you don't get into any trouble!!!" Kaz was whisper screaming. 
"You think you can bargain with me, scoundrel! I can't care less of that pact! They will let me out, and I will do as I wish! No one will listen to you, thieves! You little ...!!!!"  Kaz cut his dilemma off by a string punch. He was about to threaten Wan Eck with making every gang turn against him, so it will not be safe for him in Kerch when Wylan lumped in.
"Sorry, I'm late, had trouble distracting guards," he nodded towards his left leg.
" Thank God that Kuwei was also going that way, he helped me out."
"Sup, Wan Eck?", came from the window, a figure jumped through.
"Well, and when did the sweet boy became such a brat?" Jasper was genuinely surprised by Kuwei's attitude.
"I had some lessons" smirked Kuwei.
"Can you shut up, for your saints sake!!!" whailed Kaz.
For a moment everything was quiet, no footsteps echoed and no voices disturbed the silence. They were lucky today.
"Oooh, and what is that brat that calls himself my son is doing with ya! Isn't he a bit too p*ssy and childish to hang out with you?" Wan Eck was reminded them of himself, again.
"Is he alright?" Wylan's voice trembled a little bit.
"Probably on drugs!" commented Kuwei.
"Let's get back to work." ordered Kaz.
Time skip
"I am so fed up now!"
"Shall we just give up?"
"I doubt he'll ever agree..."

"Let me try, I can outside him," whispered Wylan.
"You don't need to that !"
"I want to do it."
"You sure, kid!"
"Stop treating me like a child! And open the damn cage!!! Wylan's voice was filled with anger.
The lock was opened and Wylan went in.
"Listen, I know it is hard for you but you don't have to do this to express yourself..."
"How do you know what am I feeling, you were always a disgrace to me, and you will never stop being it!"
"I am just trying to..."
Wylan's voice was stopped by Wan Eck's hands gripping on Wylan's throat.
Jasper was the first one to react, he reared Was Eck from Wylan and bashed his head into the stone wall. That knocked him off immediately. Wylan's face was shredded with tears.
"He doesn't deserve it, ok?" Jesper tried to comfort Wylan. Wylan just nodded and then fainted. Jesper kissed his forehead and whispered " poor kid..."
Suddenly a roar went from the windowsill, Kuwei was standing there with a pure disgust on his face. "How could you! I thought I found myself a new family that understood me, valued me! But you don't! Of course you don't care about how I feel! All you care is about that pathetic boy, who can't even stand up for himself!" As Kuwei was talking he slowly started turning into fire until his whole body was flaming. Everyone was to surprised to say anything... "You don't even have anything to say, do you?!" He turned into fire and escaped through tithe barred window. As by command Kaz and Jesper came nearer, they could see a strip of fire racing across the water.
" I don't even know what to say" whispered Jesper.
"That boy also surprised me, I wasn't expecting me to ever say this but I pray for his soul..." said Kaz

Thanks guys, love you all so much

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