Operation Latveria/Final Showdown

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It was time to finally confront the last members of the Masters of Evil. All that was left to do was to head straight to their headquarters in Latveria, Castle Doom. The Quinjets, and the Fantasticar were flying high above the Latverian skies, with snow hailing from multiple directions. However Venom and Deadpool decided to stay behind. Eddie believed his battle was done, now that Carnage was out of the picture. Deadpool, decided that he had enough fun for one day. And he decided he would come back some other time to check up on his new pals. 

Cap: Alright team this is it, it's either we win or die trying. 

Spidey: True, very true. 

Twilight sighs. 

Twilight: Sometimes, I wish our lives would be easier. 

Sci-Twi: Touche. 

Miles: Well it's now or never. 

Soon enough. 

Reed: We're entering Latverian airspace. 

Johnny: Though the weather is dreary, with an 90% percent chance of bad guys. 

Flash: So what's the plan? 

Hawkeye: Simple, find Doom, and the others and send their sorry villainous butts back to the slammer. 

Rainbow: My perfect type of plan. 

Rainbow was cracking her knuckles. 

Applejack: Don't start the party without me Dash! 

Soon enough the Quinjets reach the drop point for Castle Doom. 

Rarity: Oh dear, we have to jump all the way down there!? 

Sunset: Afraid so. 

Spidey: Let's do this. Here we- 

Pinkie: GERONIMOOOO! Remember kids, don't try this at home! 

Pinkie jumped off of the Quinjet platform in a cannonball position. 

Lemon: Uh, dudes, did she bring a parachute!? 

Adagio: Knowing Pinkie Pie, I doubt it!  

Everyone else proceeded afterwards, this time with parachutes. 

Sunny: Much better. 

Somehow, Pinkie landed on her feet. 

Pinkie: Yay, that was fun! Let's go again! 

Spidey: Not in a long time. 

The rest of Team Spider, landed on the castle ground. 

Rainbow: Alright then, let's go find us some bad guys. 

At that moment, a very familiar green skinned, flying annoyance came straight this way. 

Fluttershy: Not him again. 

Sour: Who is he? 

Harry: My dad. 

Timber: Norman Osborne, huh? 

Gloriosa: Otherwise known as the Green Goblin. 

Goblin was riding his glider straight towards his enemies. 

Goblin: (singing) The itsy bitsy spiders, went up the water spout. Down came the goblin and took the spiders out. HAHAHAHAHA! 

Goblin fires a missile from his glider, but Twilight develops a shield to protect all of you. 

Goblin: Well well, if it isn't Spiderman and his little troupe of annoying friends. 

Twilight: Alright Norman, let's settle this for good. 

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