Date with Four Sisters!!!!

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You wake up in your king-sized bed only to realize that you are being hugged by all of your girlfriends, who just refuse to let go of you. 

(Y/N): Man!! Being hugged by my favorite girls is nice and all!! But I have to get to my date with Pinkie!!

You manage to slip out of the girls' grasp, and write a quick note, telling them where you would be, and that you would be back really soon!! 

(Y/N): Alright then, time to get dressed and head to my date!! 

You head for the showers and tidy up for your date. You are wearing a shirt, that Rarity designed for this occasion, it's a white shirt, with a picture of you and Pinkie, she is feeding you ice cream cake, and is then kissing you on the lips after that!! The words on the shirt says, "Our love is sweeter than any dessert in the world!!" You're pants are colored brown, because well chocolate is colored brown, and your typical sneakers and socks!! 

(Y/N): Alright then, I better hurry! I don't want to keep Pinkie waiting!! 

You soon receive a text from Pinkie! 

(Y/N): Hey (Y/N), can't wait to see you!!! And I know you want me to sleepover with you!! And I will, but first, I need to settle something with my sisters, that includes you too! Huh? What do they want? 

You then head into the car and drive off to Pinkie's house!! You knock on the door, and out of nowhere, Pinkie tackles you to the ground and begins kissing you everywhere!! 

Pinkie: There's my favorite boyfriend in the whole wide world!!! 

(Y/N): Pinkie I'm the only boyfriend you ever had! 

Pinkie: Yep!! That's why you are my favorite!!! 

(Y/N): Heh, I guess so!! 

You kiss Pinkie on the lips, and you both add some tongue to it too!! 

Pinkie: So what do you think of my new outfit?! 

Pinkie was wearing a white shirt with blue sleeves, with pictures of cake, cookies, brownies, ice cream, and pretty much every single sweet she loves on there!! She also is wearing a blue skirt, with pink balloons on it. She has light blue nail polish with lollipops on each finger and toe nail. She is also wearing light blue flip flops!! 

(Y/N): I swear Pinkie, you look cute everyday, no matter what you wear!! 

Pinkie giggles and hugs you again!!

Pinkie: Of course I do!! You're such a silly head!! 

Pinkie then pulls you inside! 

(Y/N): So Pinkie, what exactly do you want to discuss that involves my sisters? Do they not want you and I to date? 

Pinkie: Don't be ridiculous!! My sisters love you!! 

At that moment Maud, Limestone, and Marble appear! 

Maud is wearing a dress with rock pictures on it!! It is colored black! Her hair smells really nicely!! She has purple nail polish, with rocks on each finger nail, and toe nail!! She also is wearing purple high heeled sandals, as well as carrying her pet rock Boulder. 

Limestone is wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt with a fist bump on it, black pants, purple nail polish with limes on each finger and toe nail, and she also wore purple high heeled sandals just like Maud. 

Marble was wearing a pink shirt with little pebbles forming a heart on in, she was wearing a little grey skirt, and some black nail polish with pink hearts on each finger and toe nail, like Pinkie she was also wearing flip flops, except hers were pink colored. 

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