Chapter 15 - The Tranquil & Trauma

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We finished going down the stairs, exited the building, got into the car and headed to my house.

We eventually arrived and Hikaru decided to just walt's on in.

I gave out a sigh and went to make some tea. I placed it on the table in front of him.

I had put the Kotatsu away so we ended up sitting on the couch with the wooden coffee table in front of us.

"Thanks" he smiled.

I sat down next to him with my tea and started taking sips.

He gave out a sigh.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Long day." He replied.

"Tell me about it. I can't believe Karou set this whole thing up."

"I didn't even realize 'til you came and visited. But I'm glad he did."

"Me too. Only problem now is, your whole 'brotherly love' thing."

"How so?"

"Well if one of the girls found out your act wouldn't be as interesting and they could see right through it."

"Got a point there. We'll just have to be carful."

I nodded and smiled.

"But what should we do about the others?" I asked

"Kyoya has probably figured it out already, Haruhi may have caught on. Maybe Mori-senpai and Honni-senpai."

"What about Tamaki-senpai?"

"He'll probably have to be told or whiteness proof. I mean he didn't know Haruhi was a girl until he walked into her changing." He laughed.

I giggled a bit too. A silence fell but it was a nice peaceful quiet. With the evening sun sifting in through the window and the sounds of birds outside creating a calming atmosphere.

We finished our tea and just talked about random stuff. Like why Haruhi was in the host club in the first place and why Tamaki is so oblivious to his feelings towards her.

It was around 6pm when I started to yawn. By this point Hikaru and I had just gravitated closer together on the sofa until we were right next to each other and Hikaru's arm had naturally ended up around my waist.

"You tired?" Hikaru questioned, as I unconsciously started leaning into him like a pillow.

"Yeah. Like you said earlier, long day." I said, peering up at him.

He placed both his arms around me and pulled me in closer.

"What are you-?"

"Just go to sleep" he told me.

"But don't you have to get home?"

"I'll go later. If not, it's Saturday tomorrow, so if its okay with you, mind if I crash here for tonight?" He asked.

"Fine. Just don't get any ideas." I glared.

"Promise." He rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

"Night" I whispered.

"Night" he kisses me on my forehead and stroked my hair 'til I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning in my bed. My body was curled up and my head was resting on something that was not my pillow, but was still warm and comfortable. Taking in to consideration the fact I remember falling asleep on Hikaru last night and him asking if he could stay over, I guess it was his chest my head was laying on.

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