broken hearts

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Kongpob and Arthit sat in a Cafe patiently waiting for Fang. Arthit didn't know why he always let Kongpob get him involved in his love life. He sat pouting trying to think of a way out.

As Kongpob got up to get his order. Arthit thought it would be the perfect time to leave. Before he could stand up Kongpob was back with a large order of bingsu topped with ice cream and fruit. Arthit licked his lips taking in the sweet treat with his eyes.

Kongpob knew the best way to keep Arthit there until Fang arrived was to attack his sweet tooth. He knew the older boy wouldn't be able to resist.

"P' are you leaving already?" Kongpob asked as he took a small spoonful and ate it then frowned "uhhh this is way to sweet." Kongpob then took another spoonful and offered it to Arthit.

"Do you want some." Kongpob asked as he waved the spoon back and forth in front of Arthits eyes. He inwardly smiled when he noticed Arthits eyes following like a cat. Kongpob then stopped the spoon in front of Arthits face motioning for him to bite.

Arthit looked at the spoonful of goodness unsure he knew if he accepted it he'd be stuck. Arthit couldn't resist as he opened his mouth to accept it keeping the spoon. "Mmmmm so good." Arthit moaned.

Kongpob cleared his throat.." Is it that good P'?" Kongpob said holding in his laughter.

"Mmhmm"Arthit replied with closed eyes eating another spoonful.




"Mm" Arthit replied slowly getting annoyed by Kongpobs questions.

"Like an orgasm in your mouth?"

"Mmm...wait what did you just say?"
Arthits face flushed red and he looked around embarrassed.

Kongpob couldn't contain his laughter.
"Maybe I should give it another try if its that good." He teased.

Arthit then moved the dish closer to himself "go buy your own this is mine for my pain and suffering."

"What pain and suffering?....You are perfectly fine."

"The pain and suffering of having to do your dirty work." Arthit said with a scowl. " I've never even been kissed but I've broken up with tons of girls thanks to you."

"Wow P' we should...." Kongpob stopped mid sentence as he saw Fang walk into the cafe."there she is." Kongpob said nodding his head towards the door.

Arthit turned his head to see one of the most beautiful girls he's ever seen.

Arthit turned his head to see one of the most beautiful girls he's ever seen

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"That's her?" Arthit asked in disbelief.

"Yep" Kongpob said as he plastered a fake smile and waved his arm to get her attention.

"Why would you break up with that?"

"She's boring I'm not interested anymore."

"That's so not fair you get all the luck she's so pretty I don't think I can do it."

"You're prettier" Kongpob said with a wink. Arthit reached out and smacked his head. "Please just help me out this is the last time.......probably." He said muttering the last part to low for Arthit to hear.

"I missed you so much." Fang said as she went to kiss Kongpob ignoring Arthit completely.

Kongpob avoided the kiss skillfully it left Fang at a loss. Kongpob then coughed loudly pointing towards his throat as if he was sick.

Fang quickly reached out to touch his forhead. Kongpob once again evaded her touch.

"Were you sick yesterday is that why you couldn't come?"Fang grabbed a chair and sat down looking at Kongpob worriedly.

Kongpob shook his head yes looking truly disappointed. Arthit couldn't believe Kongpobs acting skill.

He then pointed towards Arthit motioning for him to speak.

"Whose this?" Fang asked starring at Arthit strangely "is he supposed to speak for you??"

Oh now you see me. Arthit thought to himself. Arthit took a deep breath as Fang looked at him expectantly.

"Well out with it if you're not going to do your job you should go." Fangs tone was so rude Arthit no longer felt bad for the girl.

"Hi Fang is it?"Arthit asked with in an all to fake smile.

Kongpob grimaced he could see Arthits calm demeanor melting away.

"Well Fanng." Arthit said dragging out her name unnecessarily. "Kongpob here wanted me to inform you he would no longer be in need of YOUR services." He said while smiling happily and taking a scoop of his dessert.

"WHAT?" Fang said loudly looking at both boys with utter confusion.

"Aww let me put it in a way you can understand." Arthit said while giving her a sympathetic look. "Kongpob here says you're extremely boring and he can no longer stand your other words he's dumping you."

She quickly stood up grabbing Kongpobs head and forcing him to look her in the eyes. "Is that true??" She quickly pushed his face away from her when he nodded yes with closed eyes. Ready for the slap.

When it didn't come Kongpob slowly opened one eye peaking. Splash... Kongpob found himself soaked when a waiting Fang immediately grabbed the nearest drink and threw it in his face as soon as she saw his eye open.

Kongpob shook his head accepting his fate he probably deserved it. Arthit couldn't help but laugh out loud at his misfortune.

Fang then turned to Arthit with seething mad because she thought he was laughing at her. She immediately turned her anger on the messenger and brought up her hand to slap him.

Fang was shocked to find her hand had been blocked right before it made impact.

"That's enough Fang." Kongpob said in tone that surprised both her and Arthit who had ducked in preparation when he saw her hand shoot towards him.

Fang looked at Kongpob in true shock.
"I thought you were sick and couldn't talk." Kongpob closed his eyes again realising he had told on himself.

"Yea about that I.."Kongpob was about to admit his lie when Arthit snickered.
Fang grabbed his dessert and Kongpob once again braced himself as she tipped it over his head.

He shivered as the shaved ice melted leaving behind a chill and a ruined shirt. Fang then stormed out of the cafe.

"Well I guess that could have gone worse." Kongpob said before turning to see a furious Arthit. "What's wrong with you?" Kongpob said as Arthit looked at him shooting daggers.

"I wasn't even halfway way done...she really couldn't have found something else to ruin."

"Are you serious I look like this and you're worried about your bingsu??" Arthit pouted and Kongpob couldn't believe he actually started to feel bad for the older guy. "Okay I'll get you another one I know a better place than this,but I have to go and get changed first."

"Really Arthits eyes lit up." Not showing an ounce of concern for Kongpobs situation. Kongpob shook his head yes before smiling mischievously and stretching out his arms to give Arthit a hug.

Arthits face blanched as Kongpob walked towards him. Arthit quickly backed up. "What are you doing...stay...don't come closer." Arthit turned and ran as Kongpob tried to hug him nearly ruining his clothes.

"But P' I just wanted to thank you for your help." Kongpob said as he chased behind Arthit smiling brightly.

A/N: I really appreciate the votes and comments I like hearing others opinions so feel free to comment.

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