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As the sun shined brightly through the bedroom room Arthit began to stir. Saddened to be woken up by the bright rays.

He slowly arose to find himself clinging tightly to Kongpob why do I keep holding him in my sleep. Arthit thought frowning.

He then stretched his arms yawning as his tired muscles awakened. Where are my clothes!!! Arthit thought quickly lifting the covers to find himself only in his boxers.

He looked and notice Kongpob also had on his boxers... Where are the rest of our clothes. Why can't I remember? Some clothes is better than no clothes right?.

As Arthit panicked internally Kongpob also woke up. "What happened?" Arthit asked when Kongpobs face didn't show the same confusion as his.

"Sprite gave you alcohol." Kongpob said as he stretched.

"Oh God....What did I do? Where are my clothes?" Arthit asked nervously?"

"You said it was hot so kept taking them off."

"Where are yours?" Arthit inquired.

" I wanted to sleep comfortably it's only fair." Kongpob replied

"Nothing else happened?"

"Nope." Kongpob said avoiding Arthits eyes.

Arthit sighed in relief until Kongpob rose to get up Arthit quickly pulled him down almost putting him in a headlock as he examined Kongpobs neck.

He let go in shock pointing a accusing finger as he covered his chest with his other arm.

"You lie" Arthit said with wide eyes.

"I didn't...we didn't do....THAT." Kongpob said putting extra emphasis on the last word.

"But we did something?" Arthit asked frowning.

"Not really P'."

"YOU HAVE HICKEYS ALL OVER." Arthit screamed angrily.

"P' shhh keep it down someone will hear you." Kongpob said trying to cover his mouth.

"No I won't why didn't you stop me??"

"I tried my best." Kongpob said once again not looking Arthit completely in the eyes.

"Did you really because this didn't happen last time. Do you like to annoy me that bad? Is teasing me that much fun. Do you have to be so cruel!!."

"That's not what happened.." Kongpob said in a defeated voice he really regretted not stopping Arthit before.


"Because I like you." Kongpob said as he covered Arthits mouth looking him straight in the eyes. "I really like you."

Arthit felt like his heart would explode it beat so hard. Holy freaking I dreaming.

He reached out and twisted Kongpobs exposed nipple."OWWWW why did you do that??" Kongpob asked releasing Arthit immediately and rubbing his sore chest.

Oh my god it's not a dream. What do I say do I tell him now. If I do he'll surely tease me death for my reaction earlier.

Kongpob looked at Arthit waiting for him to say something but he was so lost in thought he became impatient. Waving his hands in front of Arthit trying to get his attention.

"Look it's okay if you don't feel the same I'd rather you say something than ignore me to death." Kongpob said dejected.

"What no no I was thinking not ignoring." Arthit said as he caught Kongpobs last words.

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