No escape continued...

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Kongpob used his phones flashlight to illuminate the way as they went towards the strange music. Arthit was close behind.

As they reached the sound they saw an old phonograph. Kongpob picked up the needle stopping the eerie music a small compartment opened revealing a little black light while simultaneously another equally dark path opened.

When Kongpob turned on the black light they could see writing on the wall.
" Pick a path before to late or you will meet a nasty fate?" Arthit read out loud.

Suddenly they heard a deep evil laughter. When they turned around all they could see was two bright red eyes.
Arthit was terrified he didn't even like scary movies. Now he felt like he was in one.

Arthit dropped down covering his head. Kongpob was not phased by the creepiness not only did he like these kind of scares, but he had read the pamphlets when he arrived with his Mae and Sprite.

It was him that slipped one of the workers a nice chunk of change to get payback on Sprite for everything that happened earlier that day. None the less he did not like seeing his P' like that.

As the eyes got closer Kongpob bent down to comfort Arthit. "P' I'm a third degree black belt I'll protect you, and put ANYONE who scares you in the hospital. He said the last part more than loud enough for the worker to hear.

The eyes suddenly disappeared the employee had turned around going back where they came from. He did not want to test and see whether or not Kongpob was telling a lie.

It was a good thing too because Kongpob was deadly serious. He had started learning taekwondo at the age of eight after going to see the movie children of the corn with Arthit.

The then 11 year Arthit didn't think it would be scary because what's scary about children and corn. But he was very wrong Arthit had even cried not wanting to finish it.

Kongpob had decided he would protect the older boy after praticing very deligently even now. The eight year old also made it a point to ask his father to buy that same theatre for him for his ninth birthday. Saying "I think it'd be nice to learn about owning a business.

He was father was so excited hearing those words he immediately fulfilled his sons request. Coincidentally after the theatre rarely showed horror movies no matter how many request were made.

It slowly became Arthits favorite place to go watch movies as he didn't have to worry about repeating the same incident anymore.

"P' you can get up now." Kongpob said calmly. "The eyes are gone..."
Arthit looked up searching for the red eyes when he didn't see them he quickly stood up and grabbed Kongpobs hand and dragged him into the other path.

"There is no way in hell we are staying on that path." Arthit muttered. The path suddenly closed behind them plunging them into darkness until suddenly very bright lights came on.

 The path suddenly closed behind them plunging them into darkness until suddenly very bright lights came on

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"It's so bright."Arthit said shading his eyes. Their eyes took a minute to adjust as they looked around the room.

"P' you can let go now." Kongpob said starring at their hands. Arthit quickly let go of Kongpobs hand as if it was made of fire.

Feels kind of cold now Kongpob thought while opening and closing his hand repeatedly. He looked up from his hand only to find a worried looking Arthit.

The older boy then reached out feeling Kongpobs head "Your all red..Oy you feel warm too....what to do." Arthit said out loud talking more to himself then Kongpob.

"P' I'm fine" Kongpob said moving Arthits hand.

"You're not" Arthit said grabbing his head and pulling it down to Arthits eye level. To close Kongpob thought.

As Arthit examined Kongpobs head wound. The younger boy was left starring at Arthits lips since they were at his eye level. His mind went straight to the incident in his room.

Kongpobs body began to feel warm."You seem to be getting warmer."
Arthit let go pulling out his phone. Oh thank God. Kongpob thought backing up a bit.

"Your son is a bit clueless." Sonya said to Alice looking at the monitor.

Alice Rojnapat sighed "I know it really is a pity he's usually so smart."
They both looked at Sprite when they heard her phone ringing.

"Don't..." They both tried to stop Sprite before she answered, but were a bit late.

"Yes P'?....are you sure he's really hurt?...maybe he's fine." She tried looking closer at the monitor to see if her brother was hurt that badly. He seemed ok.

"P' I'm only nine what do you expect me to do....oh you want me to tell Mae to get you out?" She looked to the older women who were signaling her No.

"I'm sorry P' she's not....You say to tell them WHATTT??...Sprite looked nervously.

"He said if you don't find a way to get them out now he'll show Por and Uncle the videos from last years Christmas party." Before Alice could say no Sonya took the phone from Sprite.

"Don't worry I'll get you out quickly." Sprite and Alice looked surprised. Until Sonya walked over and whispered in Alice ear. Arthits mom stilled and her eyes grew big.

"How could I raise such an evil boy" she said shaking her head. Not even 5 minutes later both boys were brought to the entrance of the building. Sprite and their moms we're there waiting.

Sonya and Alice walked up to Kongpob lifting his hair to examine his head.
Though Sonya Suthilick cringed inside outwardly she was calm. "It doesn't look that bad, but lets put something on it."

In truth it wasn't that bad, but Sonya would not forgive the place that her son had been injured in..."I'll surely have this place shut down." She thought to herself.

A/N for Kongpobs inner thoughts I'll be using Bold italics...and for Arthits I'll use.. Normal italics..

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