Not so bright ideas

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As Kongpob took yet another shot. Aim called him from his resting place on the ground where he had decided to sprawl out.

"Kong are you still not done why so much energy?" Aim asked.

"No reason just want to play now get up." He said taking another shot

They had been playing for hours and Aim knew there had to bbe something on Kongpobs mind for him to refuse to stop.

He regretfully rose up and got his feet sprinting towards the ball after Kongpob made the basket.

" I made it give it back." Kongpob said annoyed.

"Not until you tell me why you're trying to kill me with exercise." Aim replied
Aim ran as Kongpob tried to get the ball.

"Stop running and play"Kongpob said as he gave chase.

"'swrong." Aim said out of breath running in circles around a bench.

He was caught when Kongpob suddenly jumped the bench instead of going around. Aim then threw the ball at Kongpobs legs in frustration before laying down out of breath.

"I'm going home." Aim yelled without moving and inch.

"Yea right." Kongpob said knowing Aim wouldn't be going anywhere.

"Is it about your faen?" Aim asked propping himself up using his elbows.

"He's not my faen." Kongpob said in an annoyed tone.

"I didn't say it was a he." Aim said before Kongpob launched the ball his way barely missing him.

"So are you two dating?" Aim asked genuinely curious.

"No we're not why would you ask that."

"Well what about the picture even your mom liked it."

"That's because she's gone mad."

"But you do like him right?"

"Why would you say that." Kongpob asked wondering if he himself was missing something. " Give me one good reason you say that."

"Seriously your asking me?"

"Fine don't answer then." Kongpob said as he put his ball in his bag "if you're not going to say anything I'm going."

"Kong...Kong....Kongpob." Aim said as Kongpob finally turned towards him.

"What??" Kongpob asked slightly irritated.

"Reason 1. If he calls you answer no matter what.

"It might be an emergency."

"What about when I called when my car broke down." Aim asked

"I was on a date at that time."

"What about when we had the date with the two hot girls from the school next to ours you answered his call."

"He was sick he wanted and wanted his favorite drink."

"It couldn't have waited you just left without saying anything."

Kongpob just shrugged his shoulders
"Bros before hoes." He said.

"I'm your bro." Aim argued

"Doesn't count next reason."

Aim looked at Kongpob as if he'd grown another head.

"Your always teasing him and touching him."

"I do not." Kongpob argued back not looking Aim in the eyes.

"Really remember when his senior year when we overheard Joo saying she had a crush on him and was going to confess."

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