Chapter 1

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A/N: So this is my first werewolf story. I hope you guys enjoy. The first chapters help to give a little background but it's gonna get good I promise!! Don't forget to vote and comment! Sorry about that spacing problem before.  I am pretty sure I fixed it now :)

"Are you sure that you're going the right way?"

"Of course I am, you forget that we have a natural sense of direction." 

"Natural sense of nothing! GPS says that we were supposed to turn right 5 miles back and yet here we are still going straight."

"Leila, you worry too much sometimes. Just relax, we'll be there soon. And besides, the last time we listened to your so-called GPS, we ended up in a Cul de Sac with no thru traffic."

"Sammi, you don't worry enough! We could be traveling into rogue territory for all we know! And you know that detour was an accident. One which I have apologized for profusely."

"And I forgive you as soon as we get there but in the meantime just chill. Look we will be there in--- oh now! We'll be there now."

Sammi turned her head to look out the windshield. There was a sign "Welcome to Harbrook"

"Do you think that they will accept us?" Leila asked Sammi

"Of course they will. Indigo would not lie to us. He said that they gave us the choice of joining their pack. They have to accept us if we say yes which, we do. No pack offers the opportunity to join their pack if they aren't going to accept you. And let's face it. Any pack is better than what we were doing before."

Leila let a small smile escape as she thought about their past that brought them there.

Leila and Sammi were best friends. They had known each other for years. They had been through so much together: Leila's heart being broken by her first love Peter, Sammi's mother dying, the birth of Leila's little brother Zack; they had been through it all together. They had even experienced an even bigger change together. One they never expected.

They were born humans. They both came from regular, middle class families. They never really wanted for anything. Leila grew up with her parents and brother and sister in a small town in Arizona. Sammi lived two streets over with her parents and two brothers. Their parents were best friends. When Sammi's mother died from cancer a few years ago, Leila was there to help comfort her. They had decided to do an annual BFF camping trip to memorialize Sammi's mother. They would spend the weekend out on the nearby reservation to just get away and do the things that her mother loved to do. Things like fishing, bird watching, eating s'mores, and just enjoying nature. It was always a fun trip. Except for the last one.

Having just graduated from college that year, both were headed to start separate lives that Fall.  Sammi to Florida for an internship and Leila to Arizona State University for her Masters degree.  They felt like the world was theirs for the taking. Both were sad to be venturing off into their own areas of life away from one another.  Holding onto their friendship had become the top priority of that summer.  The one event they could count on was the camping trip.  They had been filled with excitement while loading up and driving the car two hours away to the reservation.  That night they arrived a little later than usual. They began setting up camp like they always did. The tent misbehaved just as always and Sammi cut her finger on the same pole just like always. As they laughed and unrolled the portable air mattress they normally shared on their trips, they talked about what they would do the next day. The sun had set and they had just finished starting the fire when they heard a low growl coming from the nearby woods.

"S-S-Sammi, did you h-hear that?" Leila asked frightened.

"Yeah, what the--" She never got to finish her sentence. It all happened so fast.

There were three of them maybe four, Leila couldn't quite remember. Wolves. Larger than the average wolf. They had huge canines that could freeze you in your tracks. The largest one was gray with dirty brown fur around its ears.

They had tried to run and escape but it was pointless. They were tackled within seconds. The largest one trapped Leila under his massive paw slowly caressing her face. She whimpered. She saw him bare his teeth as his face got closer to hers until everything went black.

Leila woke up to a smell of sage and ginger. The strength of the smell almost made her gag. She sat up, feeling a sharp pain on her side and realized that she didn't recognize her surroundings. She was in a small room with dimmed lighting and drawings on the wall. They looked similar to cavemen drawings.

"They are protective drawings."

Leila looked over to see a man in traditional Native American clothing sitting at a table grinding something that smelled like vanilla, no, lavender into a paste.  Her sense of smell surprised her seeing as Leila usually had to be on top of a smell in order to decipher what it was.  She tried to sit up again when she felt another sharp pain going up her side.

"Do not sit up. It will make the wound heal incorrectly." The mysterious man said without turning around.

"Where am I? Who are you? Where's Sammi?" Leila asked as she slowly laid back down. Something inside of her told her to trust this man. Something, a feeling, inside of her that she never felt before. A stronger gut instinct than she had ever experienced.

"You are still on the reservation. We found both of you lying on the ground barely breathing. You friend is in another room. She is hurt just as bad as you are but she is safe. It takes some time to heal these types of wounds."

"Who are you?"

"I am Indigo Mountain, Leila" Her turned around in his chair and walked to her with the paste in a bowl.

"How do you know my name?" Leila asked slightly irritated and shocked

"You ask so many questions. But never the right one." He answered

"What do you mean? I am lying in a strange room and my best friend is missing in another room.  Should I be asking about the weather?"

"Maybe the question isn't who am I, but maybe who are you? What have you become?" He slowly lifted up her shirt to reveal a bite mark on her side. Leila gasped at the size of the bite.

She took a moment to remember what had happened. She remembered the camp site. She remembered the fire. She remembered being tackled. She especially remembered the wolf caressing her face.

"We were attacked by wolves."


"You're going to have to fill in the rest because I don't remember anything after that."

"You weren't attached by regular wolves."

"What do you mean 'regular wolves'? Do they come in extended sizes?"

"That Leila, is the bite of a werewolf."

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