Chapter 1

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Sorry to those of you who liked the old versions of this franchise, but after deciding to add Batwoman to it and also the fact that I didn't really like where the old stories were going, I decided to just rewrite the whole franchise. Hope you like the new version.

When Barry came to, he found himself back in Star Labs, though he had no idea how that was possible, since the last thing he remembered, he was running to try and stop an antimatter wave from destroying the Multiverse, but it wasn't working. He remembered trying out run the wave when suddenly, the world went dark.

"What the hell?" Barry asked.

"Confused Mr. Allen?" a familiar voice said and Barry whirled around to see Mar Novu standing there.

"What the hell is going on. How am I back in Star Labs?" Barry asked.

"This is not the same Star Labs you know Mr. Allen." Novu said.

"What are you talking about?" Barry asked.

"You failed to stop the crisis from destroying the multiverse. However, using most of my remaining power, I was able to create a new one from it's ashes and to prevent this catastrophe from happening again, I managed to rescue you and three others and bring them to this new multiverse to use your knowledge of events to come to make sure that things play out differently this time." Novu said.

"What do you mean this time?" Barry asked.

"Well for one thing, it is 2012. The particle accelerator blew up earlier in this earth's timeline and me bringing you here actually woke you up from your coma early and your speed transferred over from the old reality to this one." Novu said.

"Wait, so I'm as fast as I was before?" Barry asked, thinking Thawne didn't stand a chance against him this time.

"Yes, but you must be cautious. You of all people know the dangers of changing the timeline too much." Novu reminded him.

"I know, I can't risk messing with the timeline too much." Barry said, since he'd learned that particular lesson about time travel the hard way.

"Indeed, the only reason I've been able to bring you and the others into this Multiverse is because the timeline had not yet solidified after creating this new multiverse, but now it has and what's done is done. You of all people know how interfering with the timeline can have disastrous consequences." Novu said and Barry couldn't argue with that.

"But, my dad, Eddie, Ronnie, Professor Stein, they're all still alive?" Barry asked, thinking of them and so many others, even including Orlin Dwyer, since he knew that Dwyer wasn't really a bad guy, it had been the dark matter shard that had turned him into what he became. And hopefully, he'd never become that again.

"Yes. However, I cannot tell you the fates of beings who have yet to be born, since it could end up changing their fate." Novu said, knowing Barry was going to ask about Nora.

Barry nodded in understanding.

"You said you also brought other people into this reality. Who?" Barry asked.

"Oliver Queen, Kara Danvers and Kate Kane. The four greatest heroes of the old multiverse and the best hope this Multiverse has of remaining intact." Novu answered.

"Is there anything else I need to know." Barry asked.

"I will be giving you the memories of your counterpart from this multiverse in addition to your own memories in order to help you better keep up appearances." Novu explained and Barry nodded.

"Do it." Barry said.

"I will also be rendering you unconscious for the process so that way the scientists here at Star Labs will think that you've just awoken from your coma for the first time." Novu said as he tapped Barry's head and rendered him unconscious as new memories came surging into his mind.

"Two down, two to go." Novu said as he vanished.

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