Chapter 4

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"Did you just let one rip?" James asked with a bemused expression plastering his face.

"How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow?" Harley mumbled, she could feel her cheeks getting hotter by the second.

"Oh my god, I actually got that on record," Beau spluttered through fits of laughter, directing the camera in Luke and Harley's direction.

"If you post that I'm gonna kill you in your sleep." Harley hid her face into the crook of Luke's neck as his head flopped down onto her shoulder, unable to contain his strength as he laughed. 

"Ew, that's disgusting, you dirty pig," Logan screeched. 

"Well, I thought it was hilarious," Daniel breathed, holding his stomach. 

"You would," She teased.

"I'm home," Gina yelled as she walked into the house. She stopped and looked around at everyone struggling to breathe. "What's going on?" 

"Harley soiled herself," Jai covered his mouth as he tried to hold in his laughter. As much as Logan tried, she couldn't help but giggle at Jai's remark.

"Jaidon, I'm warning you," Harley lifted her head up as she spoke but immediately put it back down when she saw everyone watching her. Luke didn't mind, if anything he didn't want her to move.

"Did you seriously just call me that?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with Jaidon? It's your name isn't it?" Harley voice was barely audible against Luke's chest but she didn't care. 

 "Well yeah but no one seems to call me it."

"Why not?" Logan asked.

"I don't know, I just prefer Jai."


Harley was just glad that every had forgotten about her 'incident' and had changed the subject. That was, until Luke decided to whisper "Horton hears a poo" in her ear making her laugh and causing everyone to suddenly start talking about it again. 

"I'm so confused," Gina sighs.

"You don't want to know. Actually, you don't need to know," Harley covered her face in embarrassment. 

"Well, don't forget that you're starting school tomorrow."

"Oh crap," Logan had completely forgotten. Even though the whole reason they were in Australia was for school, she had still forgotten about it. "Do we get our schedules sent to us or do we have to go get it ourselves?"

"We go get them ourselves," Luke replied, sitting up. He was still straddling the red-faced girl on the couch. He smiled down at Harley, making her blush even more, and lifted himself off of her, standing up from the couch. 

"I'm kind of nervous," Harley says sitting up and sorting herself out. 

"Don't be, you'll be fine," James smiled lightly, trying to encourage her. 

"That's what they all say," She rolled her eyes and stood up next to Luke. She looked over at where Beau and Daniel sat on the same chair, Beau sat on top with his arms around Skip's neck. "Ok, then."

 "I can drive you guys in the morning?" Gina offered, coming back from the kitchen. They never even noticed she had left. 

"Yeah, I mean, if you're up for it," Harley shrugged looking at her sister for confirmation who shrugged in return. "Yeah okay."

"Great, I'm going to Liz's for a while, love you, bye," Gina shouted as she headed for the door, picking up her bag on the way out. 

"So..." Everyone turned to Beau who was still sat in Skip's lap. The group watched as he jumped up and ran into the kitchen. 

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