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"Uhm what?" I wasn't the least surprised with the 'offer' I was given, but damn he sure is straightforward. I should know this by now.

"Oh you heard me, do I have tell you physically?"


"I don't have time to play your little perverted games Seungwoo, I'm leav—" before I could even take my second step, he grabs my arm and I'm forced to stop myself. I sigh as I hear his blabbering, "Why can't you just stay one measly night with me?"

"Because Seungshit, one, I don't trust your perverted ass." I snatch my hand back, "and two, it sounds like you just wanna get in pants." He stares at me with a blank expression before suddenly giving a grin.

"You'd think I do such a thing?"


"I think I'm just gonna leave, you made me not want to be here even more. Thanks a lot." I turned and this time he didn't stop me, and that made me feel weird for some reason.

I was back with the crazies and the loud music while I tried to find that dumb Sunhwa, but she was nowhere to be found. I was gonna ask her for some money because surprisingly I didn't bring any money with me, I know it's pretty dumb of me since I'm a millionaire myself but what could I do?

Seungwoo has been getting very distracted lately to the point where I think it's a problem, I've never dealt with this kind of behavior before. In my past relationships I've never had such a wild person like this.

Why am I saying this as if I'm together with that guy? I'm crazy.

I don't have any cab money, what will I do now?



Hani was sitting outside the big house behind her, she got sick of the music and everything else in there so going outside was the only logical solution. She gave a shaky sigh as she shivered a bit holding the jacket you know who gave her even tighter around her. She knew the cold weather right now was bad for her but she still stayed nonetheless.

"So you were here all this time." A familiar voice startled her, she turns her head behind her and his pupils meets hers. Her head follows him as he quietly takes a seat next to her. He was so quiet and she didn't like it, this wasn't him at all. Her head slowly turns to look at him again, he was looking up at the night sky. His lips slightly parted and his side profile majestic as it shined.

Her plumped lips parted as she stared at him, her pupils sparkled.

A beautiful sight right in front of me.

"You'll catch a cold." He said, glancing at her. She retracted her head in an instant, she clears her throat in panic but didn't respond. His hand reached her face and caressed her cheek, "see, you're already warm." His gaze made her almost faint.

Now I'm really feeling hot

Her hands rests on his, "stop acting like I'm not mad at you." She says, keeping her cool. He chuckles, "and I'm trying to make you feel better by flashing you my looks." She moves his hands away from her and scoots away from him.

Well that was a turn off.


This was a short one, I'm sorry. But I've been busy.

This chapter meant to have more but I just decided to leave it as it is so I could feed you content already.

Btw idk how many chapters thill have but be prepared!

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