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The last: part 1/2

Hani was frantic.

She was nearly ripping her hairs out as she walked back and fourth thinking about her life choices. She never meant to send it to me, heck, she never meant to type it either. It just happened. She accidentally pressed send instead of delete. And now she didn't answer his messages.

I know he's going to come, oh God.

In a hurry, she rushes for her phone. Her phone nearly slips out her hand as she pressed on the applications through the screen. She goes to her messages,


Don't you dare come over seungshit.


Too late.

She throws her phone on her bed while curses leave her mouth, and as if Q she hears the doorbell.

Fuck. She mouths.

She had no choice but to open the door, it was either that or call the cops on his crazy ass. But that would be too much trouble to go through. She gives a big sigh and her hand was placed on the door knob.

But before she even opened, she placed her head on the door and asked "Seungwoo, there was no reason for you to come over here." She heard something touch the other side of the door, then a voice.

"I came because of you. I was worried about you." He continues saying with a sigh, "if you suppress your feelings like this, you'll never feel okay so just... express it baby."

Her heart couldn't help but to jump at the tone of his voice, he sounded so mellow yet kind of seductive at the same time.

She clenched her shirt.


She clears her throat, "I uhm, appreciate this talk but I'm not good at expressing myself. I think you know that more than anyone by now."

"Especially when it's.. love." She continued.


"No! Don't say anything Seungwoo. I accidentally confessed to you, do you know how embarrassing that is for me?! Especially from you.." cracking her voice at last sentence. Her hands go over her face as Hani collapsed on the floor on her knees sobbing away.

But without herself noticing, she unlocked the door.

Arms suddenly embrace her while she still stood on the cold floor. Hani's head turned to the man with red eyes, they both looked at each other's pupils while they stood close. Too close.

"Stop crying you baby." He wipes her tears with his thumb and caresses her cheeks. "This is the first time a girl had cried over me, not counting in bed though." He winks.

"Not the time seungwoo."

"Right I'm sorry." He laughs softly.


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