Chapter 2 UA High School

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It was about a month before School when one day I got a letter saying I had to get ready and meet everyone else that past on the plain, and ill be meeting them tomorrow. In hearing this I rushed around getting everything I needed to live in Japan. When I heard my mom yell for me. I walked into the kitchen were my Mom and Dad were holding a box. “What's up, and what's in the box?” I asked looking at them. 
“Its something we made for you to go on your hero costume to help you fight stronger opponents like your mother, Red Riot, or someone stronger” My dad said handing me the box. 
I open it and inside there were arms and legs pieces. They were yellow with a red circle on them. “They're made out of the same ice I can turn my body into with some titanium alloys to make it stronger. The inside is made of a patting to help your arms and legs so you don't break your bones and we just painted them so they would look cooler.” My mom said smiling. Do you want to go test them out?
“Yah lets test them out!” I said smiling and hugging them. We got in the car and went to my mom's agency. Once we got there we went to her training room me and my mom got in the ring.
“Ochaco Told me how good you were its time you show me. Treat me like you are fighting a villain.” she said getting in her fighting stance. I put on the leg and arm pieces and something poked me. It felt like I was poked by a needle then I see my dad waving at me to go over to him, so I walked over to him. My dad looked up at me and said, “Pushed the red button on your arm to activate them then hit them again to activate the feet it can only turn off and on by you to turn them off click them twice.” 
I clicked it and they covered my inner hand I clicked it again and they covered my inter feet. I just stared at them in shock.
“Every hit Every kick will be able to give you the advantage in a fight. Don't hold back.” Mom said looking at me. I smile and hit fits together and nodded. As she turned to ice then she froze the ground so I couldn't move and ran at me. I hit the groundbreaking the ice. 
“I grew up wanting you and dad. You can't use your normal tricks.” I said hitting my mom in the jaw sending her flying bake. “You need to change how you fight to fight. I know every one of your moves and how you yous them.” 
She started to ride on the ice trying to cercal around me, and attack me from behind, I hit the ice she was on before she could hit me making her fall. 
“What did I say none of your moves will work on me” I said grabbing her throwing her across the ring. I walked over to her and saw a crack in her ice body so I reached my hand out to help her up. She took my hand and got up. “I think they work like they're supposed to. Now let's go back home so you can finish packing.” She said smiling. After I finished packing and went to bed early. The next morning I woke up before anyone and got some things to do on the plane. Then I looked at my phone I had no text from Camille. Yah it was early but I normally get a text from her by now. I just finished getting ready and got on my computer to pass the time. An hour has passed when my dad knocked on my door saying we will be leaving in thirty minutes. I told him I'm ready when they are. I grabbed all of my bags and puts them by the door. My dad started cooking but I couldn't eat. I was too excited I could hardly contain it. But I force myself to eat knowing it would be a long flight. When we got done eating breakfast we got in the car and left for the airport. Once there we got my ticket and I told my parents goodbye and left. I went through security and started looking for where I get on my plane. But I couldn't find it so I asked a gate agent. I showed her my ticket and she took me to where I needed to go and I didn't have to wait long at all because as soon as I got there they put me on the plane. Once I got I saw Camille and Ryon talking. Another kid was sitting behind them. We were the only people who were riding the plane. The kid behind Camille and Ryon didn’t say a word but I recognized him. He was the kid who looked at me like he knew something about me. He had brown hair and had a black jacket with a blue shirt. He looked at me then looked out the window. I sat next to Camille and Ryon, I was happy they passed. “So I know Camille and Ryon but who are you?” I asked looking at the kid behind us. Ryon looked at me and said “He doesn't talk…” 
“I'm Ben.” He said interrupting Ryon. Camille and Ryon looked shocked they thought he was deaf. They didn't know he could talk. “What's your quirk?” I asked looking at him. He didn't respond. “He doesn't like talking apparently,” Camille said looking at us. We talked to pass the time and Camille fell asleep so me and Ryon start playing some games on a small portable gaming console he brought. After about five hours Ryon went to sleep so I looked at Ben as he was reading a book and asked, “Do you just not like to talk or is there a reason you don't talk to people?” 
“Friends will just betray you there no point in talking to people who will betray.” He said looking up from a book he was reading. 
“Then you never had a real friend. A real friend will stay with you no matter what you're going through.” I said smiling at the ground.
“How many friends have you had that did not betray you?” He asked angrily. 
“I never had a friend until I met Ryon and Camille. People usually made fun of me because…”
“You're a Quirkless.” He said interrupting me. I was shocked how could he know. I didn't know what to do. “What?.... No.. not at...” He interrupted me again saying, “I’m not stupid. Anyone with a brain could tell from a mile away. Don't worry I'm a jerk. Your secret is safe with me.” 
“Thank you. You're a good friend.” I said smiling at him. 
“Were not friends. I just said ill keep your secret I never said anything about being friends. He said looking at his book.
“Friends are the people who will keep your secrets.” I said looking at him still smiling. 
“What is your deal?” He asked angrily. I looked at him confused and asked, “What do you mean?” 
“I can't read you at all, I have to use my quirk just to read you!” He said angrily
“You can read people without using your quirk? So you can just naturally read people?” I asked confused about how he could do that. 
“Yes! That's why I don't have friends everyone is a jerk or will betray me.” He said putting his book down. “Oh. I see. There isn't a single person alive who is not a jerk. Not everyone will betray you but no matter who it is, they will be a day where there be a jerk to you. But you just have to forgive them and move on.” I said looking at Camille and Ryon.
“For someone who only has two friends you sure thing you know a lot about them.” He said looking at me.
“I know as much as you do when it comes to having friends.” I said pushing my seat back smiling.
“What does that mean?” He asked confused. I smiled at him and said, “I mean whatever you want it to mean.” He looked at me then picked up his book as I fell asleep. Several hours passed when Ryon woke me up saying we were here I got my stuff and got off the plane I saw Tsukuyomi waiting for us. “You guys have a nice flight?” Tsukuyomi asked looking at us. 
“Yeah.” Ryon said looking at Camille as she yawns nodding her head yes. “That's good now let's get your luggage and get going” Tsukuyomi said waving us on. 
“Um... Why are you here Tsukuyomi sir?” I asked confused on why they didn't just some random person and not a pro hero. He looked at me still walking and said, “They wanted me to personally meet my students this and please call Mr.Tokoyami.” I was shocked when I didn't know he was a teacher. But then again, I never really paid attention to witch pro hero was a teacher. He took us to where we got our bags and then took us to a car that took us to Heights Alliance were we would be staying. We were told by Mr.Tokoyami told us that Males are to the left and females are to the right and that school starts in a week and that it would be best if we start unpacking know. So we did after about maybe two hours of unpacking and decorating our rooms and I was quite proud of my room. 
I had a dark blue carpet and white walls. I had a dark brown bed frame with a blue and white blanket and pillows. Behind my bed were two bookshelves. One had a bunch of books on the inter shelf had normal books with learning to some personal favorite, while the other shelf had nothing but comic and action figures that I collected over the years. I also had a light brown L-shape Corner Desk with Optional Hutch. I had to personally ask for this desk. On my desk was a 2 monitor desktop computer with some gaming console with my controllers on a charging stand and my headset on a headset stand with some moves and games cases on the desk shelf. I had my arms and feet gauntlets from my mom and dad in one of the cabinets and I had a pencil holder filled with pencils, pens, and markers. And in one drawer was a bunch of folders and papers and the other drawer was empty. Right next to my desk was a fold-up table with a printer and a 3D printer that I also had to personally ask for. Once we all were done with are rooms we slowly went into the main room the last person who came in was Ryon but he came in with a gaming console with four controllers, mostly because there were only four people in the dorms. Ryon hands me a controller and turned on the console. “When do you think everyone else will be here?” Camille asked looking at the controller that Ryon gave to her. “Probably when school starts.” Ryon said starting the game. 
“Do you think they will let us walk around town scenes we have never been here before?” I asked playing the game as we try to beat a level. 
Ben looked at us then back at the book and said, “Most likely they wouldn't just leave us here. What they will most likely do is give a teacher or someone who goes to UA with us to show us around a bit.” I looked at Ben smiling and asked “So you're finally going to talk to us?” 
“We are the only students in UA who are from America we might as well stick together.” Ben added going back into his book. After a couple of hours passed by we slowly started to go to bed. Camille was the first to get tired. I could tell because her hair turned brown and her eras turned to bear ears. But she didn't really go to bed I had to carry her to bed because she fell asleep on the couch. I had Ryon go tell Mr.Tokoyami what happened so I wouldn't get in trouble for being on the girl's side. 
Her bed was covered in stuffed animals and she had pictures of what I believe to be her family on the wall and some animal poster with some weird catchphrase on it like a cat poster that said “hang in there.” as the cat hangs from a pole. I didn't stay in her room for too long I put her on her bed covered her up with one of her many blankets and left. Once I was done Ben had already left to go to bed and Ryon was heading to his room, so I also went to my room and went to bed. Due to the time change, I kept waking up randomly every time I did I looked at my phone seeing if I got a message from my mom and/or dad, Knowing that they were still awake while I was asleep. That morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I walked out and I saw Camille cooking breakfast for us. “I didn't know you could cook.” I said watching her cook. 
“You never asked.” She responded still cooking. After a couple of mints passed Ryon and Ben were awake. We were sitting at the table waiting for Camile’s cooking. Even Ben looked like he was getting excited to eat, and he rarely ever shows emotion. The smell was so good we thought we would go mad if we didn't get it soon. Ones she was done she gave all a plate in front of us and it looked like heaven on a plate. It was as fluffy as a cloud and a perfect golden brown like the ones you see on the commercials. I have never seen a person make pancakes a perfect golden brown and somehow the bacon looked better than the pancakes, and we could not wait to dig in. We all said thanks to Camile and started eating. I tasted just as good as it smelled and looked. It felt like I was a kid again eating pancakes at home. When all of a sudden a girl runs in. She was small with yellow hair and two black lightning bolts on her hair she also had what looked l Earphone Jack hanging from her ears. She wore a dark purple shirt with a short black leather jacket with white lightning bolts on them and with black pants and black boots. She was breathing heavily, like just ran several miles. “Are… You guys… The American students?” She asked breathing heavily. We all looked at her as Ben said, “We are the only people in the building.” She looks at us finally catching her breath. “So who are you?” I asked as she walked to us. Camile pointed at the leftover pancakes and said, “You want some?” 
“I'm Kannari and Yah I would love some.” She said smiling as Camile made her a plait. “So why are you here?” Ryon asked as Camile giving Kannari a plait. “Mr.Tokoyami told me to help you guys in any way you need me to.” You could tell we were all happy didn't want to stay in the dorms all day again we wanted to walk around and explore. We have never been out of America so we are all wanting to explore. After we got done I asked Kannari if she could be our tour guide so we could explore a bit. She agreed and we all got ready and meat Kannari outside as soon as we all were ready we left. I don't know what Kannari said or did but Ben would talk to her like normal. He just started talking to us and that's only because the things that we are the only American students in UA so we have to stick together. So for him to just start talking to Kannari as soon as they met was weird. Later that day we asked him and he told us that he can read people and how it was just a gifted he had it wasn't his quirk. I already knew that. found out what his quirk after our talk on the plane, Or I think I know it I’m only twenty-five percent sure on it and I don't know if I should ask him or not because last time I asked he never answered me. While we were walking around we went by several stores and several historical sights. We also Kannari father Chargebolt in action. Which I thought was cool, loved watching it. Being quirkless I grew up watching as many pro heroes as I could. We also got lunch which was fun. When we're done with everything we went back dorms and hung out for a bit. But as soon as Kannari left we all were tired so we went to bed. Accepted for Camile who fell asleep on the couch. A couple of days later we were getting excited because school started tomorrow. Instead of hanging out like we normally did we just got ready for tomorrow. Once I was ready I looked at the time and saw it was one forty-five in the evening. So I got on my computer and played some online games until I had to go to bed. That night I couldn't sleep I was too excited to sleep. When I heard a voice in the hallway say “No one is out in the halls.” I quickly grab one of my gantlets and activated it so in surrounded my hand and slowly walked to the door. I quickly open it to see who was out there. What I saw scared me because I was not expecting to see it. It was a dark shadow of a bird. I knew it was Mr.Tokoyami quirk Dark Shadow. But because I was scared I punished him slamming him into the wall. I didn't hurt him I just made him mad. I quickly apologized and told him and told him he scared me and we were not aware of him surveying the halls. He just said to go back to bed and I did but this time I was able to go to sleep. Mostly I didn't want to make dark shadow mad again. That morning I took a shower then I put on my school uniform they gave me when we got here then I ate breakfast brushed my teeth and started walking to UA’s front gate. Once I got there I looked at it smiling and said, “I made it. It is not a dream anymore.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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