Chapter 1

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"Serena!" I heard a voice call across the hall, "If you don't get your lazy ass up, we're gonna miss our flight!"

After finding out Katsuki and I were the two students to be awarded scholarships to UA, only the nicest College in New York, we were given 48 hours to pack and be at the airport at 8 o'clock sharp Monday morning. We gathered and packed everything Saturday, I just really hate mornings.

I groan and crack an eye open, peering across the dark room at my alarm clock. 4:45 a.m.

I'm going to beat his punk ass...

Just when it seems like I'm slipping into peaceful unconsciousness, I feel something thunk against me head. I raise a hand to grab whatever it is and chuck it. As soon as I grab it, I feel legs squirming.

"WALRUS VAGINA!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I shoot up, launching the - HOLY FUCK - giant FUCKING tarantula across the room, it landing at the feet of a laughing Katsuki.

"You piece of SHIT!" I yell, chasing his blonde ass down the hall, him cackling as he grabs my mom's embroidered pillow, 'Hang in there, baby' with a cat on it, throwing it at me.

"You fucking threw a LIVE-ASS spider!"

I jump over the leather couch, tackling the punk, punching him on the chest a few times.

"Ow-shit!" He laughs, pushing me off.

"Your lazy ass wouldn't get up, so I had to resort to emergency measures."

I roll my eyes, going to the kitchen for my morning parfait, while Katsuki goes to retrieve his spider.

"Yeah, yeah," I grab a spoon and sit down on a wooden stool by the marble-top island.

"Punk," I mutter under my breath, shoving yogurt into my mouth.


"Nothing, deeear," I sing-song to the tarantula's room.

We make it at 6:30 with our three suitcases, two duffel bags, and my backpack (Katsuki only packed a suitcase and a duffel).

Airport security takes about an hour, and by 7:45, I'm FaceTiming my mom from an uncomfortable plastic chair, Latte in my lap.

"Good morning, babygirl!" She greets, "Hey, Kacchan!" She sees Katsuki's shoulder and spiky hair next to me.

He leans into the frame, "'Mornin, Mrs. V," And munches into his egg sandwich. I gag a little at the egg.

"I just got home, sweetpea, I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you load your things into the UBER." I love how my mom knows I won't leave my car at an airport.

Thinking of this morning, I'm a little glad she wasn't home, "It's okay mom," I say anyway, because she's shooting me those big brown puppy eyes, so unlike my own green and gold.

"Flight E-4-1 to Queens, New York, now boarding," The monotonous lady over the loudspeaker blares.

"That's your cue, sweetpea," Mom smiles, eyes filling with tears.

"Get some sleep, mom. I'll text you when I land."

We exchange "I love you's" before hanging up.

"Ready?" Katsuki shoulder-bumps me when we grab out luggage, waiting for the mob of people to push through the narrow loading hall.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I shoot him a shaky smile.

Then, we board the plane that'll take us to our future.

"Shit! Shoot! SHAT!" I yell, groaning at my fourth failed attempt to hail a cab.

Beside me, Katsuki is strangely silent and smirking at me sad, flailing arms,

"What are you so smug about, dipshit"

He snorts as a Ford Escape pulls up next to us.

"You called an UBER and didn't tell me?"

"Actually," He begins putting our luggage in the trunk, "It's a Lyft."

I roll my eyes.

From the back of the car, Katsuki's Converse knock against me black Vans as he reminds me to text my mom. I facepalm, feeling like an idiot for having forgotten. In my defense, I spent three and a half hours napping against Katsuki's shoulder, the rest of the flight drying drool from Kat's shirt, eating barbecue Grippo's, and trying to rub the crick out of my neck.

Me: In the Lyft now!! - 2:24 p.m.

Figuring she's still in bed, I sigh as I slide my phone back in the black and white clutch in my lap.

"'Sup?" Katsuki gruffs, shooting me a sideways glance, eyebrow raised.

I sigh again, "It's just hard to believe that you of all people made it into college."

He lets out a laugh as he slaps my arm, but he sighs, too.

"Yeah," He retorts, "It's difficult to believe that you made it past middle school."

I scoff, "You know I did better than you on eighth grade finals."

"Tch, I'd never admit that, even if you did, but you didn't."


We spend the car ride chatting up the Lyft driver, until he pulls up outside the registration building of UA.

My heart beats a mile a minute as we thank our driver, Katsuki pays him, and the kind man helps us unload our luggage. I waved as he drove off, partially stalling.

We make it into the building and to the reception desk, where a scantily-clad woman with dark hair and cat-eye glasses sat.

Lady Midnight, the gold placard on the desk read.

Of course, her eyes were on Katsuki. She notices me beside him, and she smiled at the two of us.

"Good afternoon, dears," Midnight grinned,"Aren't you two quite the pretty pair?"

She sits up straight and slides her glasses down her nose to peer up at us.

"So, newbies looking for dorms?" I nod and Katsuki scowls, crossing his arms. Midnight sits her black, manicured claws upon her Macbook keyboard.


"Serena Vilardo. And the the scowling idiot," I elbow Kat,"Is Katsuki Bakugou."

She searches our names, giving us each a slip of paper with our names and room numbers.

Mine read:

S. Vilardo

Building 1-A

Room 420

Kat snorts when he glances at my paper. I frown and snatch his paper as we head toward 1-A. We left our luggage with Midnight in the Registration building when she pointed at two men saying they'll take care of it.

Hiking my backpack up my shoulder (can't leave my baby behind), my eyes scan the paper. I cover my mouth when a snort-laugh escapes at the handwritten note at the bottom.

K. Bakugou

Building 1-A

Room 419

(Call me for a good time! 410-939-6969)


Katsuki's neck flushes bright red as he crumples the paper and tosses it into a conveniently placed trash bin.

I try walking, but Katsuki grabs my windbreaker and tugs at the sleeve.

"We're here, dumbass."
I roll my eyes, "Sksksk."

       AN--- The time difference between Arizona and New York (i think) is 2 hours. ALSO the spider's name is Edwardo! And, I'm writing this on a Google Doc - copy/pasting as I go. Sorry for any grammatical errors! XOXO

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