Start to a Hectic Lesson

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That morning had been hectic. Denji's fathers had been so adamant about seeing him off to school since they had missed it the day before. He hadn't been opposed to his dad's insisting on making him breakfast and seeing him off, but he couldn't help but be a little annoyed with them. Even so, he loved them very much and chuckled to himself as he left his home.

His walk to school was quiet, the traffic had been light and Suzuki hadn't been on his route. Denji had left early though, so he wasn't all that surprised that he hadn't been bothered by anyone. This time, he took the time to enjoy the early morning and had almost put himself in a daze, only knocked out of it when he got to school.

Yuuei was already swarming with students, conversations carrying through the air and the energy keeping everything lively. Denji avoided everyone, the buzz of the morning energy only serving to raise his anxiety as he got into the building. Sure, it wasn't the first day, but that didn't make him any less nervous.

He got to the stairwell, relieved when it was, again, the quietest place. A quiet breath left Denji's chapped lips, but he smiled.

His second day.

Despite the discrimination of being the son of a villian, he was excited. They were going to get serious today!

With newfound energy, the young teen bound up the stairs and to his homeroom classroom.

He was early.

He wasn't the only one, though. Shitsumei was sitting in the same seat that Denji had guided him to the day before, and the Atsuhiro boy couldn't help but smile when the other tilted his head.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who likes showing up early, huh."

Denji's line elicited a laugh from the other as he came up to his seat next to him, Shitsumei shaking his head. "Nope. I came in early with Mom. She wanted to get stuff set up for the Hero Course lesson." Denji's eyebrows shot up in curiosity, but he didn't ask anything as he watched his friend's head cock to the side again.

"You hear something?" He got a nod in response, and before he could ask what, more footsteps entering the classroom caught his ears, followed by a scoff.

The dark haired teen sighed, turning as the new arrival showed up. "So you're still here, Atsuhiro?"


Of course it was. It was just Denji's luck to have his bully pay any attention to him on the second day

The male sighed again, watching Shitsumei's eyebrows crease in confusion.

"You really shouldn't be hanging around him, Tokoyami. A villain like him could ruin your reputation."

Shitsumei frowned when Suzuki addressed him, Denji looking at his desk for a second. He didn't even try to defend himself, but he didn't have to when his friend rolled his misty eyes.

"And you won't do the same? I don't even know your name or your quirk, but I can already tell that you act more like a villain than Atsuhiro does."

Denji was stunned, looking up with wide eyes at the boy who sat next to him. Shitsumei paid no mind, using his sense of hearing to have located Suzuki at the front of the classroom, just staring in his general direction. The bully glared, rolling his eyes as he shook his head but took a seat in the front of the classroom. Suzuki had nothing to say.

After that, more students started to fill into the classroom and Shitsumei relaxed. Denji was still shocked, he wasn't used to people standing up for him, but neither of them said a word as the last few students filed in and took their seats.

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