Two More • Chapter Four • UPDATED

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(A/N 1-29-20: The title rhymes-)

•Alberts POV•
I woke up to my alarm going off, playing an oh-so-familiar noise. I sighed, about to hit snooze when I remembered I was meeting up with G0z early today.

Speaking of G0z, I couldn't get him out of my mind. He looked kinda like his Roblox avatar, except more realistic. His hair looked silky, his hands looked soft even under gloves, and when he took his mask off his face was... I shook my head, dismissing the thought. I quickly checked my phone to make sure both videos were posted on time.

I rose from my bed, glancing at poor Felipe. I laughed to myself, walking to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair. I looked pretty good. I changed into a pastel pink sweater and some light jeans. I grabbed my keys, phone and wallet, heading out.

Me and G0z decided to meet up at our local McDonald's, to grab some lunch. I checked the time once I arrived, and found I was right on time. I walked in, scanning the tables for G0z. I found him quickly, and walked over. G0z smiled warmly at me, I could see a tiny if pink blush his pale skin.

•G0z POV•
I was laughing at a joke Clinton made when I heard footsteps behind me. I looked over and saw Albert. He was dressed in a pink sweater, that was slightly to big, and some light jeans. I blushed, and greeted him. He smiled and waved.

We got some food and continued to talk happily. Clinton and Caroline had to leave early however. Me and Albert walked in the park until dusk. We looked at the stars pointing out shapes. Albert got quiet after awhile and I looked over.

Albert was fast asleep, his face peaceful looking. A blush crossed my cheeks, as I stared at his features. I shook him awake and he looked at me tiredly. We were both tired and Albert said I could sleep over his house since it was closer.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks, and thoughts (most of them really unwanted and made me blush more) ran through my head. I agreed to his proposition, walking to his house.

(I barely updated shit in this chapter lmao)

♡ With Love, Your Secret Admirer ♡ ~ Gozbert (1/3)Where stories live. Discover now