Sleepy • Chapter Five • UPDATED

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Sorry if my writing style changed a lot guys, I don't really have my own style yet

(G0zs POV)

Me and Albert walked together in a peaceful silence, making our way towards his house. The walk took about five minutes to get to his humble abode.

His house was about two stories tall and the outside was a nice pink-tinted white. Albert led me inside, and gave me a small tour around.
"Hey, I'm not really tired anymore." Albert paused, "Wanna watch a movie?" he finished. I nodded my head, and he plopped himself on the couch.

I sat next to him, sinking into the soft material of the couch. He turned on a horror movie, I believe it was 'IT'. "I'll go make us some popcorn." He stated, smiling slightly. I smiled back and watched the movie, grabbing a nearby blanket and wrapping myself up in it.

Minutes later, Albert came back with some popcorn, and set it on the coffee table. He sat back down and we watched the movie, making remarks about it every now and again. Soon enough the movie got scary.

A jumpscare happened, and I let out a scream (aka a high pitched squeak) and grabbed Albert's arm. He laughed and patted my head, a small blush appearing on his face. I blushed and let go, murmuring a sorry. This happened multiple times throughout the movie, and by the end of it I was clinging onto Albert for dear life.

He embraced me and patted my back, trying to calm me down. He rubbed circles on my back and, Soon enough, I did calm down. We sat practically cuddling in complete silence. Albert fell back into the couch, bringing me with him. I squeaked quietly, then realized he fell asleep.

I tried to leave, but his grip tightened and he pulled me to his chest. I just sighed as my face turned a bright pink. Since I was so close, I decided to get a close look at his face, inspecting every detail.

His face really was perfect wasn't it? Before I realized what I was doing, I had kissed him lightly on the lips. My face turned darker as I held my breath. Luckily, he didn't wake up.

Since I had nowhere to go at this point, I just snuggled into his warmth, and let sleep overcome me.

(Haha penis funny)

♡ With Love, Your Secret Admirer ♡ ~ Gozbert (1/3)Where stories live. Discover now