Confession • Chapter Six • UPDATED

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*screams in agony as I'm tired but wanna update rlly bad*
12/6/19 ^

(Alberto's POV)

I woke up to something snuggling in my chest. My eyes shot open, in confusion in alarm to this fact. I looked to see G0z sleeping peacefully. A bright blush appeared on my face.

I shook G0z lightly to wake him up. He yawned and looked up at me with tired eyes. A blush appeared on his face as he slowly woke up more. He froze in place a bit. I decided to break the silence.

" Good morning G0z.."

" Ah, uh, good morning!"

" Uh, how'd you sleep?"

" Pretty good, your lips are really so- UH I mean your really.. nice for asking, yeah!" He stuttered out, blushing more somehow. I wanted to ask him what he really was going to say, but I decided against it... For now.

He got up off of me, sitting down next to me instead. G0z rubbed his neck and smiled. I sat up from my laying position and stretched.

"So, what so you want for breakfast." I questioned the taller male. He shrugged and murmured a whatever. I smiled lightly and pulled him from the couch. "Wha-" his eyes opened wide as I spun him around. I spun him around a few more times before letting go of his hand.

He stumbled around, as I laughed. He glares at me, then started laughing with me. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he did, his laugh was truly perfect. Our laughter eventually died down and I walked to the kitchen, preparing breakfast for me and G0z.

I heard him walk behind me, as I made some eggs. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he looked over my shoulder. He looked very nervous. I (of course) turned into a blushing mess. I could feel his breath against my neck, making me shiver a bit. I looked over at him as he sleepily watched me.

He looked at me back, straight into my eyes. He blushed as our faces moved closer together. Our foreheads touched and we stared at each other lovingly. I truly felt safe with him.

Our lips met and we kissed happily. My stomach felt like it was flip-flopping and my heart felt like it was going to shoot outta my chest. We pulled apart and just stared at each other blushing.

" Wow.." I murmured as G0z just stood there kinda in shock. G0z retreated his arms, and stepped away. He said sorry and stood there with his head down, kinda shaking.

I smiled lightly, forgetting completely about the eggs.

"I couldn't control myself.." he admitted laughing slightly, lifting his head and looking away from me. I wasn't mad at him, honestly.

I was about to say something, but G0z interrupted me.

" I've liked you for awhile.. I just never thought you liked me back. I'm sorry I did that, you probably hate me!" He squeaked out, probably on the verge of tears. I walked over to him and hugged him, rubbing his back.

He kinda froze, before hugging me back.

" That's funny, I've liked you for awhile too." I murmured, resting my head on top of his. He looked at me, smiling happily. I kissed him quickly and smiled back.

" So what now?" He questioned me.

" G0z, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

" Of course, Albert!" He smiled brightly, hugging me tighter than before.

'Nothing could go wrong now', I remember thinking in that moment. Oh boy, was I in for a surprise.

♡ With Love, Your Secret Admirer ♡ ~ Gozbert (1/3)Where stories live. Discover now