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interviewer: normal 

mika: italicized 

We have Mika Harlow here today for the first time in iheart radio history! So lets start this interview off with a good old classic question. How are you today Mika? I see you are dressed casually. 

I try to switch my outfits up but I just end up wearing the same crewneck everyday. Im so so happy to be here. It feels so good to be able to talk for myself since these past years have been crazy. Im so grateful so I guess thats how im doing. 

You're so strong Mika, we all know that you had a hard year. But it seems that now youre starting fresh with you ending the dangerous woman tour and releasing a new album hopefully soon?

Hahah! Yes, Its really a shame that the dangerous woman tour ended. I still cant believe it some times. But yes, I will be releasing a new album called sweetener very soon! It is refreshing to start new. Like, I know im growing more and more each day and I feel like my career and mindset can only go up from here? I hope. *nervous laughter*

Are you going to be dropping anymore secrets about the album here today or are you looking to surprise the fans? Like what an odd name for an album, what does it mean exactly and what songs are you looking forward to us hearing on the album?

So much! I guess everything is important to hear because it definitely  is a lot more personal than any of my other albums. Its so much different than everything else ive done before so that makes me a little nervous but im excited for my supporters to hear a new side of my music. I want them to know the real me. Not that ive been faking it or anything but this album is like what I feel in my soul. 

Sweetener kind of means like adding a little sweetener into youre life. Ya know? The album title did come from my first track I recorded; sweetener and it was so different that I knew it needed to be the title. It feels so right. People think that im stepping out of my comfort zone but its not that. I feel like im stepping into my comfort zone for once. This whole album shows my mindset through this year. 

Is there anything you would like to share with your fans? Do you think they will benefit from listening to this new album?

God, I hope so! Imagine putting so much work into something just to make people feel nothing. I want my supporters to feel something or to at least feel safe while listening to sweetener. Everything I make, is for a purpose. If I can make one person feel amazing listening to the album then it doesn't really matter what some hater says. 

You put it In such a good way! Do you know the number of singles and music videos dropping or will there not be any? Also will there be any features on this album?

There will be 3 singles and 3 music videos coming very very soon. On April 20th my first single of sweetener will come out. Im not going to say the name of it buts its definitely a page turner! Yes there are quite a few features on the album and im so excited for you to hear them. 

Do you have a top 3 of the album yet?

Ooooh... I do actually. It changes every week based on my mood but at the moment its R.E.M, every time, and sweetener. They make my soul so happy every time I listen to them. But the whole album is one full bop for me so I really cant choose for sure. 

Now, there has been some rumors about there being a special song about maybe Shawn Mendes on your new album. Can we confirm that or not?

My private life is something I dont discuss with the public but since it has something to do with the album, I guess I can adress it. There will be a song about Shawn on my new album. He is definitely referenced in a few of the songs currently on there. 

Thank you so much Mika. Its been a pleasure having you here! 

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