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Olivia stood in the backyard of her mother's house and hung clean clothes on the clothesline. She reached out and put a clip on the ends of the t-shirt, before moving back to the bucket. She started to squeeze water from another shirt when she felt arms wrap around her waist.

"What are you doing here, Elliot?" Olivia questioned, as she looked over her shoulder to see if her parents were home yet. She knew they didn't approve of Elliot, and she didn't want to get in trouble for seeing him still even after telling them she had stopped.

"I needed to see my girl. I needed to kiss you really bad." Elliot replied as he kissed her jaw gently.

"You know we aren't supposed to see each other here. Not after my parents caught us making love in my old treehouse." Olivia sighed.

"So?" Elliot questioned because he thought it wasn't a big deal. He didn't think it was a big deal, but it was a big deal to Olivia because her father is a pastor and one wrong move could cause her mother to relapse again.

"Elliot, I was supposed to save myself for marriage, then all of a sudden you came into my life. I gave up on my morals just because I love you."

"You love me?" Elliot smiled, as he moved in front of her and stopped her from hanging any more clothes on the line.

"I love you, you big goofball. Now, move. I have chores." Olivia spoke. She reached to grab the bucket, but Elliot grabbed her by her hand and turned her around quickly. He knelt down on one knee and smiled.

"Marry me." He spoke, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"Marry you? We are barely 18!" Olivia exclaimed.

"You can't do anything here. You do chores here, go to church, work that stupid job at the Dairy Queen, then do it all again. Liv, marry me and you can have some adventure!"

"When would we do it?" Olivia questioned, as she ran her hands through his hair.

"Today. Or two days from now. But we need to leave today. We need to just take the plunge." Elliot spoke. Olivia frowned as she thought about not having her parents at her wedding or not having them have a part in her life at all.

"My parents won't be home until 8. They have things they need to do tonight... at the church. I just need to pack a bag real quick." Olivia spoke. Elliot grinned from ear to ear before wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I'll go pack real quick and find a ring." Elliot grinned.

"Meet up at 6?"

"I'll be here to get you then."


By the time Olivia's parents got home, their daughter and her fiance were already almost out of the state. They got home and Serena went to pull the clothes from the line before it rained later, and that's when she saw that most of the clothes were lying in the bucket, still soaked from being washed.

"Frank?" Serena called, as she moved towards their screened-in back porch.

"Yeah?" He questioned as he took his tie off.

"Is Olivia inside?" Serena questioned.

"No. I thought that she was working tonight." Frank replied. Serena shook her head as the door opened and her husband walked down the stairs.

"She doesn't work till tomorrow... where is she, Frank?" Serena whimpered. She was scared to death that someone took her baby. That she'd never see Olivia again. Serena ran into the house with her husband calling after her. Serena opened up her daughter's bedroom door and saw that her bed was made. But as she searched the room she saw that all of her clothes were gone and many of her other items.

"He took her! That bastard took our baby!" Serena spat, as she turned around and looked at Frank.

"Who did?" Frank boomed.

"That Stabler boy. The one we found her sleeping with."


They settled in Kentucky. They got jobs and then bought a farm. Elliot and Olivia were happy as they worked together to have a life. They both loved living in the country, and they both loved being together. Olivia had been unsure at first because she knew her parents were ashamed of her when she started to see Elliot, but in the end, he was the one for her. She was the one for him.

"Are you sure you want to go back home? Liv, it's been 10 years." Elliot spoke. Olivia looked at him before nodding slowly.

"I need to see my parents. I need to show them their grandchildren." Olivia replied, as she looked over her shoulder and smiled when she saw their sons playing in the dirt as usual.

"I'll come with you then," Elliot replied, as he moved away from the fence he was mending and over to where Olivia stood.

"No. Everything will be okay, El. I can get there in a day."

"I don't want you driving alone in your condition and with those two little monsters distracting you," Elliot spoke.

"I made this drive when I was pregnant with Aaron. I went and picked up your brother and drove back on the same day. I can do it again. Now, is it okay?" Olivia spoke. Elliot looked his wife over for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Yeah. It's okay... and if I said no you'd still go. I don't know why you asked for my permission." Elliot laughed softly. He moved to her and kissed her softly before they both looked at their boys.

"I'll leave tomorrow morning. Probably at 2 or 3 in the morning so I can get to Manhattan before the kids need their nap. Aaron will be good, but I'm still not too sure how Ben will behave." Olivia spoke.

"Pack plenty of snacks and movies," Elliot replied.


It was two in the afternoon when Olivia arrived at her parents' house. She rolled the windows down in her car and let the cool breeze in before moving towards the house. She stopped short when she saw her mother staring at her from the open back door.

"You leave without saying anything, then you come back... do you need something? Like money or-"

"I'm all set with money, Mom. But I'm here to let you meet your grandchildren. You can't meet this one yet, but soon." Olivia spoke.

"Did you marry him or are you still living in sin?" Serena spat. Olivia sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"We have been married for ten years. Our oldest, Aaron, it 4 and our youngest is 2. His name is Ben." Olivia spoke.

"You didn't invite us." Serena spat.

"Well, clearly you weren't open to the idea of me marrying the man I love. Or deciding to have children with him." Olivia sighed.

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