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Violet started to have breathing problems shortly after the ambulance was called. Lucy had Olivia hold Violet to her chest to try and see if skin to skin contact would help regulate her breathing and heartbeat.

"She's starting to shake," Olivia whispered, as she rubbed her daughter's back and tried to stay calm. Olivia had to keep calm or else Violet would get worse.

"Okay... I'm going to wrap her in a blanket and Elliot is going to take over. I'm going to help you get dressed and then ready for the ambulance to get here." Lucy spoke before she took the small baby girl from her mother and started to wrap her in a soft blanket.

Elliot watched quietly as his wife got dressed, as Violet shook in his arms. He could tell that she just seemed really cold, which confused Elliot because she was tucked inside his shirt and was sharing his body heat. Nearly 20 minutes later, the bedroom door was opened and Bernie came in.

"Hey, so the ambulance is almost here. We can hear the sirens." Bernie spoke, and Lucy nodded.

"Good. Now, Elliot, pass Violet back to Olivia. Then I need you to carry her downstairs. I'm going to pack up real quick." Lucy spoke.

"Are you going to drive behind the ambulance?" Bernie asked, as she went and opened the door so that her son could walk through it with his wife and youngest daughter.

"No. I am... Olivia needs her midwife. I'll drive behind and be there when you get there." Elliot spoke, as he kissed his wife's temple before lifting her up.

"She'll be okay, right?" Olivia sniffled, as she held her littlest baby close.

"We will figure everything out, Liv. There are great doctors that can help repair her lip. It may be many surgeries, but she'll be good. She's a fighter." Lucy smiled. 


They made it to the hospital after about a 45-minute drive. Elliot drove behind them the whole way and didn't get pulled over which was amazing. When pushed inside the hospital, Olivia was taken to one room and Violet was taken to another. Olivia was sobbing by the time her husband finally got to her side.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Elliot asked gently as he caressed her hair and sank down beside her.

"They said that I can't see Violet! I want my baby!" Olivia cried.

"Babe, everything is okay. We will get to see her soon." Elliot smiled gently. He was about to kiss his wife, but she stopped him.

"I don't want to be here if I cannot be with Violet. I have had three of my babies taken from me right after they were born, and I want Violet back. Get her back for me, El!" Olivia sobbed.

"Mrs. Stabler, your daughter is being monitored right now. She is having a hard time regulating her heartbeat and breathing. Her doctor is also assessing the cleft lip and determining if he should take her to surgery and start repairing it as soon as she is stable or wait. She needs to be in the NICU until her doctor can figure everything out. I know that this is scary and all you want to do is hold your child, but she needs to stay down there for now. We are going to take you to your own room soon, and then you can rest and you can see Violet later. Okay?" An older nurse spoke. Olivia nodded slowly as larger tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Okay." She whimpered.

"Good. Now, are you hungry at all? We can get you something to eat while we wait for a room."

"No... I'm fine..." Olivia sniffled before she rested her head on her husband's shoulder as she tried to stop crying.


Violet's lip wasn't the worst case that her doctor had seen. It would take a few surgeries to fix, but not too many. She was going to have a scar, but by the time she was her mother's age, it wouldn't be nearly as noticeable.

She was only three days old when she went into her first surgery, and her parents were a mess. 

Olivia and Elliot sat together in the chapel as they prayed their hearts out. They wanted their youngest child to come out on top. They wanted her to be healthy, to be able to be a normal child even if her lip was a little messed up. 

"Do you ever wonder if God does this to test us?" Olivia breathed.

"He knows what we can take, Olivia. That's why you and I have had three sick kids. He knew that we could handle them so he gives us these special little humans to love."

"Sometimes I wonder if I am good enough to be their mother... I know that you are the best father to these kids." Olivia mumbled.

"Honey, we ran away from home just so we could be together and start a family together. Even before we left, it was like God was giving us a sign and almost permission to leave. We had fought all odds to be together, and then it was time for the tests. Lives can't just be all happiness with no trials. You have proven time and time again that you are an amazing mother. You have never given up even when everything was against us. So never doubt that you are the best mother for our children. Okay?" Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Okay... if you insist." Olivia sighed as she slipped her hand into her husband's. She looked at him for a moment before leaning close and pecking his cheek gently.

"Do you think that maybe we should head back up to the waiting room? See if our Violet girl is out of surgery?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah... but walk slow. I'm exhausted." Olivia spoke. 


Violet's surgery took a few hours longer than anticipated, but eventually, she got out and was taken back to the NICU. Her parents were allowed to see her, and they were so excited to touch her.

"Hey, sweet baby." Olivia cooed gently, as she reached in and caressed her daughter's hair. Her face had a large bandaged on it and her face was bruised and swollen.

"That will all go down soon." One of the NICU nurses spoke.

"The swelling?" Olivia asked.

"Yup. That will go down and her bruises will fade." The nurse smiled softly.

"But it'll all be worth it... she'll be able to eat normally and talk normally once her lip is completely fixed..." Elliot smiled, as he kissed his hand before gently touching his daughter's chest.

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