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After what happened when Olivia was pregnant with Janey, Elliot and Olivia decided to wait longer to tell everyone about their next baby. They just focused on their kids and families as day to day life continued on.

"They said that this system could bring tornados." Elliot frowned, as he and his wife walked together and grabbed supplies for the upcoming storms.

"Really?" Olivia asked worriedly.

"Yeah... so I'm going to call my parents and have them come over and stay. We are the only ones that have a basement out of our family." Elliot spoke. Olivia nodded slowly as she stopped and grabbed some more batteries for their flashlights.

"So much for now being the time to tell everyone about our daughter," Olivia spoke, as she straightened her back before gently running her hand over her stomach.

"Yeah probably doing it while there is chaos happening above us wouldn't be a good idea," Elliot spoke. They went back to walking as quietly as possible. Elliot stopped by the can food aisle and Olivia followed him.

"Do you think we will actually get some?" Olivia asked as Elliot got several cans of vegetables and fruits. They had stuff at home but wanted more just in case.

"Tornados?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah... I hate them." Olivia frowned. Elliot reached out and caressed his wife's hair as he pulled her close and kissed her hair.

"We'll be okay. I know that we will be. The last time we had one you were pregnant with Grant."

"Last time it happened I went into labor with Grant. We waited at the house for so many hours that I thought you would have to deliver him!" Olivia exclaimed.


"Elliot, I'm scared... something might happen and someone will get hurt!" Olivia cried.

"No one will get hurt in our family. We can have everyone come over. We have plenty of space in the basement for my parents, your parents, our family, Val, and Lucy." Elliot spoke. Olivia sighed before nodding slowly.

"Grab another first aid kit," Olivia whispered.

"Will do, baby."


After gathering up the family, everyone tried to keep Olivia and the kids' minds off of the coming storms. It was hard for Olivia, but all she could think about was the bad that comes with these storms. 

"You seem quiet," Serena spoke gently, as she watched her daughter bring another basket of blankets downstairs. They hadn't gone to the basement yet, but tornado warnings were starting to pop up all around them.

"I'm just worried," Olivia spoke, before stopping suddenly and taking a slow breath. She had just felt her little girl kick fiercely within her swell and she had to try her hardest to not rub her swell.

"What's wrong? What just happened?" Serena questioned quickly, as she grabbed the basket before sitting it on the floor.

"Nothing... just-" Olivia started, but then she felt the baby kick again and she couldn't resist. Olivia pressed her hands to her swell before taking a slow breath.

"We were going to wait and tell you guys after the storms but you should know... Elliot and I are having another baby. A little girl." Olivia breathed as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Olivia! That's amazing!" Serena smiled, but that smile faded quickly when the sirens started.

"Oh god," Olivia whispered as she started to cry. Serena pulled her daughter into her arms before kissing her forehead gently.

"We will be okay."


Downstairs in the basement, everyone found out that Olivia and Elliot were expecting their fifth child. The excitement of that kept everyone's focus off of the winds that howled outside.

"Do you have a name picked out yet?" Bernie asked as Olivia held onto Jane as tightly as possible as the radio announced that there had been a tornado sighting and that more were on the way due to the severity of the storms.

"We have... Olivia, do you want to tell them?" Elliot asked, as he walked over and lifted his sons up and carried them away from the small window.

"No." Olivia whimpered as she held Jane closer.

"Olivia, baby-"

"I don't like storms!" Olivia sobbed. Elliot passed the boys to his father, and Jane was lifted from her arms by Serena.

"Babe, we are safe down here. I know that the lights are out, but that doesn't mean a thing. We will survive this and everything else that comes our way. Think about what is coming in our lives. Think about Aaron, Ben, Jane, and Violet." Elliot smiled, as he reached out and gently caressed his wife's swell.

"But-" Olivia sniffled.

"You are scared... I know that. But in our many years together, I have never let you get hurt. If I was there, you were always protected. And I'm here, so we will all be good. Baby, just trust me. Now, tell everyone what we named her." Elliot smiled. He was sure that they had heard him say Violet, but they didn't know her middle names.

"We picked Violet for her first name... Violet Keturah Bernadette Stabler... I know it's a mouthful but Elliot and I couldn't decide between those two middle names." Olivia breathed. She felt as her husband wiped tears from her cheeks as the whole house shook, even the basement. The radio fell silent as everyone gathered together and got low to the ground.

Through the loud wind and the breaking of glass and the sound of screaming animals from the barns, a prayer was recited throughout the impact. Frank led them in the prayer and that's what kept them going through the storm.


The sky was gray and cloudy after the tornado touched down and then faded away. Elliot, Joseph, Val, and Frank traveled upstairs to check on the damage before coming back downstairs.

"How's everything?" Olivia asked nervously.

"The barns are destroyed. There is a tree that came in through the kitchen window and wall. We are going to have to fix this all up... until then we should go somewhere safer. With less damage." Elliot spoke. Olivia bit her lip as she tried to brush tears from her cheeks.

"My house." She sniffled. Elliot walked over to her and caressed her hair gently before smiling.

"We will be okay. Baby girl, we can repair the house. Build the barns back. Get more animals. But we can't replace each other. So as long as we are all safe and unhurt, we can get past this." Elliot smiled, before kissing his wife gently.

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