Part II of Newty!

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Present day


You sit at the edge of the deadheads looking out at the Glade. It's the middle of the day so no one is really roaming around. But you do see one person, a blonde haired, dark eyed boy named Newt, quickly walking over to the Track-Hoes. You see him pull one of the Gladers aside with a stern look on his face. Usually curiosity would take you over to them, wondering what's going. But today you had a lot more on your mind. And by 'a lot more', you meant Newt. It'd been a month now since you two made your 'little agreement' and everything was going swimmingly. But last night, when he kissed you, you felt something. Something you two swore you wouldn't feel for each other. Looking at him right now from across the Glade, you knew that you couldn't deny it even though you wanted to desperately.

You were in love with Newt. Which of course meant that you had to do the hardest thing you've possibly ever had to do.

Let him go.

So you must up all the courage you have and walk over to him.

"Um . . . Newt," you stutter.

He turns towards you, a smile spreading across his face. "Hey (y/n)," he says in his regular chipper tone. You look down, feeling the tears welling in your eyes.

"Newt c-can I talk to you for a sec?" You ask trying to attempting, and failing, to keep your voice steady.

"(Y/n), what's wrong? " he asks taking a step towards you.

"Not here," you say jumping away from his soft touch that you yearned for. "Just follow me," you say turning around on track for the deadheads. You stop in an open patch of land, coincidentally the same place you and Newt shared your first kiss.

"So (y/n), now that you've dragged me away from the glade," he says smirking, "are you going to tell me what the klunk is wrong?" asks with a soft smile. A few tears escape your eyes; just at the thought that that kindness will never be yours. He walks over to you taking your hands. "(Y/n) please." You savor the feeling of his hands, calluses and all.

"W-we have to s-top" you state rubbing circles in the backs of his hands.

"What?" he asks, tightly gripping your hands. "Why?" he questions, anger and desperation in his voice. You couldn't bear to tell him the truth so you say the first thing that comes to mind,

"There's someone else." You regret saying it as soon as the words let your lips.

He turns back to you his face contorting into pure horror and anguish. You stare into his dark eyes, seeing all of the pain and grief you are causing him, and t's breaking your heart. You suck in your lips holding back a sob. You saw this coming, about two weeks ago as you laid awake your 'relationship' with Newt came to mind. You thought about how it would most likely end; probably with you falling in love with him. Though there was that one glimmer of hope that he'd be the one to fall for you. What a pipe dream.

"Who?!" He almost shouts pulling you from your bitter thoughts.

Unable to answer and look at him any longer, you shake and lower your head.

"(Y/n)!" He screams taking three long stride towards you, grabbing your arms and shaking you. You let out a small scream and look up to him, tears still streaming down your face, surprised by his action. Newt was usually the cool, calm, and collect person around the Glade.

He blinks a few times then let's you go.

"I'm sorry," he says looks down at his feet.

"So am I," you whisper under your breath. You start to walk off, wanting to get away from Newt before you broke down telling him your true feelings. But before you can exit the forest he gently grabs your hand, casing you to wince at the feeling of his hand in yours again. You wish you could never let it go.

"Can I at least have a hug? For old times' sake?" He says turning you so that you are facing him. You know you shouldn't. You know it's just how to make leaving worse, but you say yes anyway. He brings you in to his chest hugging you tightly immersing himself in your neck. You sling your arms around his shoulders burying your face in his warm chest. You two stand there for quite some time, neither of you wanting to let go. The best you two get to pulling apart is slightly backing away; but your arms are still on his shoulders and his hands are still on your waist. You stare at the ground willing yourself to leave. He's staring at you, you can feel him staring down at you, just waiting for you to look up giving him the silent yes to kiss you. You know you can't let him kiss you, it'll just make the break every rocky than it already is. But you've never been one to resist Newt; so you look up. He genuinely smiles at you before bending down locking his lips to yours. You could kiss him forever and be completely content. He grabs your hips so he can pull you up to him to deepen your kiss. You instinctively put your arms around his neck and run your hand through his hair. He lets out a small laugh as you do. Stop it. He needs to stop it. Stop making you live him even more. You need to stop. Stop teasing yourself with someone you know you can never have. He rubs his hands up and down your back making you moan a little. He smirks into the kiss knowing he got the resort he was looking for. Okay you can't take it anymore. Even if it's the stupidest thing you have or ever will do, you have to tell him.

"I lied" you say pulling out of your kiss.

"I know, love; I'm not an idiot" he says smiling again.

"What? H-how did you know?"

"One, if you were into someone else you wouldn't be standing here kissing me, letting me make you moan," he whispers into your ear sending shivers down your spine. "And two, I couldn't believe it even if I wanted to".

"You couldn't believe it even if you wanted to? So, so you mean you feel the same way?" You didn't mean to have so much hopefulness in your voice but you couldn't help it. If he really did feel the same way as you . . . no, stop trying to make fairytales cone true. He needs to say it before you can let yourself be happy.

He doesn't answer, instead he pulls you in for another passionate kiss.

"Does that answer your question, love?" You smile brighter than you ever have before, completely unable to contain your joy.

"I like it when you call me love. Say it again" you say, standing on your tippy toes.

He lifts you and whispers in your ear "Love," bringing you up for another kiss. You stand there kissing for some time, so long that the sun starts to set.

"You know that us being together can get us both banished, right?" You say to him with your head on his chest. He lightly combs through your hair with his fingers casing you to sigh.

"As long as we are together I don't care about what any of those other klunk piles say." You love that he says things like that. "Hey (y/n)"

"Yeah Newt?" As soon as those words leave your lips he pulls you up and crashes his lips into yours though, this kiss isn't like the ones you shared before. This is much rougher, more possessive. Also, this time your hands are slowly roaming around each other bodies. You push yourself up to deepen your kiss and in the process making you and Newt fall to the ground with you on top of him; both in a hysteria. You just think to yourself how perfect everything is.

"(y/n)," Newt whispers into your ear.

"Yes, love?" You whisper back doing a remarkably terrible British accent. Newt laughs lightly pecking you one your nose.

"Sleep with me tonight?"



AHHHHH Okay so first fanfiction?
Yeet or Neet?
Will the next one be smuty?
Will it be fluffy?
Will it be clean?
Decisions decisions!
What do yall think?

Didn't mean to fall in love(Newt fanfiction)CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now